64: Red Eyes

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They switched back the second the contractions of pleasure ended. When she was back in her own body, she could still feel those phantom waves of pleasure, and the spread of relaxation from the build-up of tension. She turned quickly, scooping up the book she needed and heading out of the library in quick strides.

Shit, she didn't think this through.

Her cheeks heated at the thought of her actions and her heart hammered in her chest at the sound of Ha-Eun's croaked whispers and the flurried rush of someone moving.

Oh No. Oh NONONONO. Fuck.

She was running but it was too late. He gripped her shoulder spinning her around and she was met with the angry expression of one Wang JieMi. He glowered at her, the expression rare on his beautiful face. He was usually either giving his fans a cute little wide-eyed grin, or giving them sexy smirks.

"What?" She snapped, her moment of bravado fuelling her veins.

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

He growled, towering over her and Amber was a little scared of the son of a bitch—Okay no, Da-hee is a sweetie—the piece of shit. Technically, he couldn't really do anything to her because soulmates could not hurt their other halves without hurting themselves.

"Nothing. Go back and fuck her," she shrugged, feigning boredom. Her voice was lowered carefully to hide the tremble.

"How dare you do that to my girlfriend, you—"

He pulled her, his fingers brushing against her bare skin. The pleasant acceptance that radiated out from her solar plexus and across her body was comforting. It was not the same as Sieon's touch. It was kind of different, but in a good way. If Sieon's touch was drinking hot chocolate on a cold day, JieMi's would be a cold drink on a really hot day.

A really good cold drink. The kind that was sweet and icy. The kind that flowed down one's throat, silky smooth.

Maybe it was because she was aroused, but the pleasant feeling switched into erotic tingles that trailed up her skin and buzzed towards more sensitive areas.

It didn't even take him another second to release her hand quickly, realisation burning in his dark pretty doe eyes. He felt it too. The warmth. And the warmth that coursed through them was enough for him to understand that they were soulmates.

"It's you," he let out a gasp of surprise. His sweet voice rumbling into a hushed sound of shock as if he had only just realised that his soulmate was standing in front of him.

He was prettier standing so close to her and she could count each individual eyelash on those beautiful doe-shaped eyes. He was giving her one of those, stunned wide-eyed looks. Wet and dewy eyes, round with his shock.

"No fucking shit," she replied snarkily.

Inside, her emotions were a mess that raged and roared deep within her chest. She could see him losing steam, his angry expression simmering into something softer.

They switched bodies and he only just realised that she was his soulmate? What did he think she was? A witch? Stupid shit.

But the switch could be disorienting and maybe he hadn't adjusted to the feeling yet. Maybe he was only just realising that the one girl that he had been waiting for, for years was finally before him. Maybe he was finally realising that he had officially blown his chance with her.

So many maybes, but no real answer.

On second thought, he probably assumed the soul bond suppressants made soulmate meeting impossible.


"You—" He paused, looking conflicted. "I—" He hesitated again, wetting his lips as his brows furrowed. How the hell did he look cute and sexy at the same damn time? She took the pause as her chance to go and she turned only for him to catch her hand again.

"Wait, I..."

She knew what he wanted to say. She'd already heard it in its rawest version in the hotel room and hearing it again would tear her apart. No. She wanted him to know that she was the one who dumped him. Not him. Never him.

Because his heart should be the one to break, not hers.

"I don't want you," she told him, her voice hard and strong.

Liar. The voice in her head whispered in her ear.

She mirrored his words in the hotel room and he froze, staring at her with those wide Bambi eyes. He was in shock and his expression consumed his features. He gaped at her with widening dark eyes.

He was surprised at her declaration, so surprised that his jaw dropped. She gave him a steely gaze, masking her true feelings. She stepped up close to him, daring him with her eyes to do something, anything.

"I don't need you," she stated clearly in a clipped voice and his face twitched.

He faltered, his expression weird. She really didn't understand him. But his eyes, they were the colour of tar, dark and pitch black. She could make out the tremble of his pupils within those eyes, eyes that looked almost...

"Yeah, so goodbye, like forever. Good talk." She snipped, closing the conversation like a snap of a book. Any longer and she might break.

"But, don't you want to—" He tried again. She really didn't know why he even tried.

"What?" She turned and he stumbled under her gaze. "Fuck?" She rolled the crude word over her tongue and she laughed, the sound clear in the silence of the upper levels of the library.

She wanted to pretend to look him up and down as if she were inspecting a piece of meat. She tried but she couldn't so she darted her gaze to his eyes. "Thanks but no fucking thanks."

She shrugged, giving him a look, murmuring just loud enough for him to hear. "Your penis is too small for me anyway."

And too pretty.

She chaffed, letting out an exhale of breath from her nose to indicate her amusement. She let the bomb sink in him for a bit, watching his face transform into an insulted pinched expression. "Kudos for the guts to do this in the public library."

She stepped away and entered the lift. She didn't give him so much as a glance as she pressed the button for the ground floor. She didn't even want to look at him. Just before the elevator doors closed, she bit out her last words without even looking at him. "And thanks for letting me experience fellatio."

When the door slammed in his face she sunk to her knees, her face crumbling as she let out a weak, broken sob. That should be enough for him to find his happiness without her. She smiled bitterly at the mirror. At least she managed to burn him while doing it. She barked out a laugh, pinching her nose to stop the tears from coming.

It wouldn't do for her to head to her part-time job at the club with red eyes.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now