50: Sieon

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Whatever Sieon was lying on, it was comfy.

His body sunk into its clutches. The bed was wrapping its greedy fingers around his body, moulding itself around him like a fluffy marshmallow. The sheets were silky and they felt absolutely amazing against his skin. Everything was soft and silky to the touch.

That included the warm pillow in his arms.

It was the perfect shape and size. Toasty warm and very, very soft. He squeezed the warmth, marvelling at its feel under his fingers. It was nothing like the bodies of his best friends. Theirs were thick sinewy muscles under soft skin that felt too bony to be nice. Not that they weren't soft, it was mostly just kind of awkward to hold.

Some were too tall, some too thin and others too big for him to actually cuddle into their warmth. Plus, most of the time they would try to escape his death grip and he would wake up to a kick in the face for entering their personal space. Mostly because he accidentally rubbed his morning wood on their ass but that wasn't the point.

This pillow snuggled back into him, reciprocating his touch with the press of its fingers over his own. It smelled really good. Sweet. A pretty scent with a musky aromatic tang. A sweetness that reminded him of something fresh, feminine and pretty.

It appealed to his body in an I-want-to-smell-this-all-day way. And so it was natural instinct for him to wrap his arms around the source of the smell and press his nose to the easiest area of contact.

It was addictive. He pushed his nose against the soft skin, nuzzling into it as he breathed deeply. He could smell peach body soap and his favourite fabric softener. Even the faint scent of milk on her skin, but those weren't the smells that appealed to him. It was the pillow's own natural scent that reminded him of happy things and made his heart feel warm and mushy, dripping with something he didn't know.

The giggle that escaped from the soft, comfy being in his arms barely registered in his sleep-addled mind, nor did the little squirm made in protest. He didn't even notice the heating of blushing skin when he continued to nudge the pillow with his nose as he moved closer to 'it'. He just took the squirming as a sign to pull the being against him, pressing his body into the heavenly softness and wrapping large fingers tightly around them.

Sieon wanted to stay here forever.

He could sleep if not for the distraction. Sieon frowned, face twitching as his body heated up with his desire. His morning wood was hard in his pants, throbbing and burning against his skin and he shamelessly pushed his hips into the warmth. It was instinct to thrust against the rounded mounds, his body seeking for some form of relief from the painful tightness deep in his belly.

The pillow froze, body clamping up under his touch and he stiffened in preparation for a slap to the face. But instead, the pillow in his arms relaxed, meeting him head-on. It ground its hips against him, pushing a soft plush bottom against his throbbing cock.

The pleasure blossomed and he let out an involuntary groan, body tingling as white-hot heat radiated from his crotch and burst across his skin. It was so very potent and all-consuming that Sieon's eyes immediately snapped open in a hazed shock.

What the fuck?

The cry of a baby startled him from a stupor and he was confused as he blinked blearily. The sudden soft wail was small and pitiful. The sound was sharp in the silence of the room and his heart clenched in concern. His warm pillow left him and his body was left awkwardly laying with his side. It didn't feel right with his right arm hanging loosely without its previous support. And the lack of that warm fuzziness was a cold emptiness that burned through his system.

It was as if his soul were protesting at the lack of the pillow.

His cock though was definitely outraged at the lack of attention, shivering in his pants as it wept and coated his underwear. Wet, warm and sticky.


He rubbed his eyes, trying to get his pupils to focus. Something wiggled towards him and when his knuckles left his face, they were replaced by tiny little hands that clap at his cheeks. His eyes widened taking in the sight of this...This child.

A gummy open-mouthed smile greeted him as chubby little fingers pressed against his lips and pulled at his hair. The little thing pouted at him, revealing the inner side of red lower lips. Large, heavily lidded, hazel eyes met his own.

They were a little teary at the corners, lashes sticking together from the tiny droplets. The child babbled cutely as it patted his cheeks, almost as if it were speaking to him. His soul melted at the sight, his mind momentarily distracted from the thing in his pants.

Cute...So, so fucking cute.

He found his body reacting out of his control and he drew closer to that little child, lips pressing kisses to its cheeks in loud exaggerated smooches. The baby was soft, radiating a scent that was milky and clean. The kid giggled under his touch, a high pitched little squeal that made his heart swell and balloon within his chest.

God, he didn't know he was that enchanted by babies.

Some fans would bring their kids to fan meetings and sure, his heart always melted at the cuteness. But the feelings that bubbled within him now were something entirely new and foreign...so much stronger. This baby seemed to hold a special place in his heart.

Someone pulled open the curtains sending a blast of light across his features. And he winced as he turned, shielding his eyes from the godly light of the sun with a raised hand. He squinted, eyes adjusting as he stared at the approaching silhouette.

It's...It's her.

His heart stuttered in his chest.

He could never forget those beautiful honey and chocolate eyes.

"You really like papa's kisses don't you, baby?" She cooed cutely at the kid in his arms, bouncing another one on her hips.

She was clothed in a soft white sundress, the fabric hanging loosely over her figure. It dipped into the turn of her hips, outlining the swell of her generous breasts. It fluttered with the brush of a soft breeze. Long strands of wavy dark chocolate hair flowing down her back. Pretty...So, so pretty.

Sieon coloured as the tips of her breasts winked in and out of sight with the change of the morning light. They were a light rosy pink that was the same colour as her beautiful lips. He was blushing at the sight, not entirely used to seeing girls without bras or in see-through outfits. His heart raced in his chest so loud and fast, that he could feel it throbbing in his temples.


His dick agreed.

The other little thing in her arms was absolutely adorable, a carbon copy of the one currently playing with his hair. The baby stared blankly at him in shock with huge eyes, sucking its thumb cutely as it cuddled into her chest like a koala bear.

At his gaze, it tilted its head to rest on her breast like a pillow all the while babbling the words "Pa! Pa! Pa!" It chirped at him with a familiar smile on its lips.

It grinned, clamping whatever teeth it had together. He was reminded of his own smile, the shape of his lips and the exposure of his teeth at that proportion, at that width.

That was his smile.

That was his Mom's smile.

That was his grandpa's smile.

Wait...What the fuck?

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