96: Little

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The thunder struck. It rumbled in the distance, loud and deafening to their ears and she jumped. Her eyes looked about frantically. They darted to the screen in his car, the green lights flickering in the darkness. "Oh crap, it's late," she groaned. Would Ezra be waiting for her?

Her mind spun with her imagination at the thought. Imagination that featured Ezra seated on the couch, feet tapping. His brows furrowed together with worry. Then she remembered their 'fight' and the way Ezra had seemed to cut her out of his heart. The way he had snapped at her and left the house after that incident.

He hadn't been back for days. Why did she think he would come back today? He wouldn't. He wouldn't because he thought of her as just another pathetic little girl.

Her heart clenched painfully, eyes dulling at the thought. Another girl that would satisfy his sick fantasies of pleasure as long as he asked for it. Only this time, he felt fucking guilty because she was young and because she had a soulmate.

"What do you have tomorrow?" Hikaru asked, breaking her thoughts and the pain in her chest ebbed away into a dull hum.

"School. Work. The usual," she turned to give him her full attention. Forget Ezra. Forget those stupid damn soulmates who loved to play with her feelings.

"Work?" His brows furrowed together. The alarm in his voice spread across his frame. He was tense as realisation dawned over him and she could almost see his mind working out her situation. His eyes flickered over her, clear and almost all-knowing.

It was at this moment that Amber remembered his age because Hikaru looked at her and read her like an open book, understanding and maturity strong in his gaze. It made her feel embarrassed, ashamed and just a little sad about her circumstances. Hikaru's eyes trailed from her clothes to her hands and then her eyes. They were hardening and breaking with his pity and worry.

She knew what he saw.

The aftereffects of the suppressants, the sallow colour of her skin. The circles under her eyes, deep and purpled. The redness of her fingers, peeling at the edges from washing too many dishes in the cold weather.

The tiredness that clung to her frame like a disease that wouldn't go away. The trembling of her body and the age of her clothes. Worn, over-used, with the threads frayed at the ends. He saw her then and the horror that flickered over his face was awful to see.

How absolutely shameful.

Those words thundered in her mind, over and over again. Her society was one that hated showing weakness. One that preferred concealing issues under layers of words. One that treasured the phrase 'save face'.

Humiliation was avoided, and that applied to Amber as well. Amber felt humiliated from her situation. She always had in the face of her richer soulmates and she always would.

"I'll pay for your education and bills. You don't have to work and study," he spoke out loud, his voice firm. Clipped. It was the kind of tone she didn't really expect from Hikaru.

She was more used to his delirious giggles and shy whimpers. The finality in his voice made her aware of their age gap, of how much older he was compared to her. This Hikaru displayed his maturity.

Amber bit her lip, nibbling at the edges.

The money she needed wasn't a small sum and she didn't want to be a gold digger. Was this considered gold-digging? She didn't know. Either way, she felt bad. Horrible for entering the relationship like this as another hole that would drain his bank account.

A deadweight.

"I can see it on your face that you're considering rejecting me," Hikaru said gently, an amused smile on his lips.

His voice had softened now. It was kind and gentle. It reminded her a little of how an adult would speak to a small child on an unquestionable matter. The kind of tone an adult would have when a toddler wanted to stick a fork in the power socket. She met his eyes in the mirror.

"It's not cheap," she began to say, shame consuming her whole.

She hadn't wished for this to happen. Sure, she expected it but some part of her had wanted to be able to stand at equal footing with her soulmates. Just so that money wouldn't be a topic that seemed to tie her to their feet. Just so that she wouldn't feel as if she owed them for the rest of their lives.

"And I'm not letting my soulmate slave away like this until her eye bags take up her entire face," he smiled, a soft puff of air escaping his nose. He cleared his throat. "You've earned a perk!" He spoke comically, his voice monotonous like that of an artificial intelligence system. "Rich soulmate who's got so much money and nobody to spend it on!"

He said the words happily, then simmered down into a serious tone at the very last bit. He sounded a little bitter, spitting out the word 'nobody' with a sorrowful tinge to his pretty voice. Then he blinked, almost as if he realised she was finally by his side and a beautiful smile erupted across his face.

"I'll take care of it," he said. "I'll take care of everything. You don't have to worry anymore."

Amber pressed her lips together, frustrated at his words. "I don't want you to see me as just another mouth to feed..." She protested. "I'm not a gold digger."

"How is this gold-digging?" He chuckled, the sound escaped his lips in joyful barks. "We're soulmates! You're physically incapable of loving me only for my money. Although, if you ask me, my wealth is one of the most attractive parts of me." He winked then gave her a cute smile. Amber snorted. Goofy.

"Mm, not your face?" She teased.

"That too!" He nodded enthusiastically.

"Or your cock?" She asked a naughty smirk on her lips. He froze this time, his cheeks reddening as he glanced at her.

"M-Momo!" He wailed, clearly favouring her Japanese name. Or maybe, he just couldn't pronounce Ambrosia. Her lips twitched at the thought. That was probably it. "You said we wouldn't talk about it!" His lips were pressed together, stretching to push at plump cheeks.

"Alright, alright!" Amber laughed, giggling at his expression. Seriously, he was so cute. He huffed, shooting her a look then simmered down into a more serious expression.

"My love," his voice was soft as he took her hand. "I've saved up all that money in hopes that you'll come for me one day. Please let me do this for you." He pleaded.

"I just...I didn't really want to meet you for this, you know?" She tried to explain, her voice small as she spoke. "I wanted to be able to treat you and buy you things...Not—" She faltered and sighed. "—this."

"I understand." Hikaru nodded, a sad smile on his lips. "But, you have to remember that you're young and still learning. Meanwhile, I've been working for what?" He frowned. "7 years? I've had plenty of time to save up money and it's not that I hated earning this money. No, I enjoyed it for the most part," he continued. "Plus, what am I going to do with all that cash?"

"Buy stuff for yourself?" Amber pointed out. He laughed.

"At this point, I've already bought everything I've ever wanted."

"Cars? Houses?"

"Cars? I have one, why buy two?" He frowned, tilting his head in question. "One person can only drive so many cars...Plus, the group has our own chauffeur and I can always borrow someone's car. And houses? If I bought houses they would be for investment which would give me more money. Money that would just sit lying in my bank." He rubbed his nose, looking at her with a wry smile on his face.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I'm just amused that you would think so little of me."  

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now