SS new guy

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Cross was biting his time. He knew that someone would come soon to bring him his food and that's when he would strike. The staff stopped caring about him being dangerous ever since he stopped moving to much.

That was Cross' plan though, to lead them into a false sense of security. He could hear the footsteps down the hall. 'Any minute now' he thought.

Just then someone opened the door. The light from the hall came in. The guy set the plate of food down on the floor, and was about to leave, but Cross lunged at him.

He knocked him down and ran out the door. No one was in the hall. Great. He ran and ran. He didn't know where the exit was so he just ran until he found stairs.

He went down. Big mistake. Opposite of the second floor, the first floor had lots of people. He made a run for it, but there were already people going at him. Bullets being shot. People trying to tie him up. Cross trying to get back into his body. It was chaos.

'Chara stop struggling' said Cross. Chara ignored him. He got his knife out and started stabbing anyone near him. He managed to get most of the security guards off of him and get outside.

Outside was even worst. There were police cars on every side. Policemen aiming their guns at Chara/Cross. "Surrender and we won't hurt you" yelled one of them.

Chara didn't want to give up though. He threw his knife at the group trying to make an indentation. It didn't work though and he was tackled to the ground from behind.

They injected him with a shot and he immediately passed out.
He was back in his jail cell. "Damn it" he muttered under his breath. 'This is all your fault' said the voice in his head. "My fault you're the one that tried to escape in the first place" exclaimed Cross. The ghost kid beside him rolled his eyes.

Cross heard voices outside. They were talking about him.

Just then three people walked in. Two of them were human security guards. The other was-. Cross froze. He looked like someone he remembered, but couldn't put his finger on it.

Chara on the other hand knew exactly who it was. He possessed his body. Cross didn't struggle, he was scared.

Chara pounced at the Skeleton. His soul became heavy and he was levitated above the ground, the skeleton looking straight at him.

He inspected him then he faced the security guards. He nodded at them. They grabbed Cross/Chara, and started heading out the door.

Chara kept trying to summon his knife, but he had magic restraints put on him. The security guards put him in the back seat of a black car that had the words 'SS Mental Hospital' printed on the side.

The other skeleton got in the front seat and started the car. Cross was back in his body. He was still scared, but he was also curious about where he was going.

He hadn't been in a car since he got to the Mental Hospital. They drove off for so long. It had to be more than 5 hours.

After a while all Cross could see was tress. He got tired and fell asleep. Chara tried to come out, but it seemed he was unable to for whatever reason.

They arrived a little while after Cross fell asleep. The skeleton carried Cross like a baby towards a large building.

It looked like a mansion with a gate as tall as the mansion around it. Inside was grass and a playground.

The skeleton teleported to the inside. He was now in a room with many beds. The beds were separated by curtains. He laid Cross down on one of the beds and went to look for someone.

"Geno?" He said into a room.

"Yes?" Asked a skeleton. He had white bones with a white shirt and sweater. His pants were black with white strips. He had a red scarf and a red slash on his chest, that looked like he got stabbed.

"I brought a new skeleton here. He's currently laying on bed number 5." Said the skeleton.

"Is he asleep or passed out?" Asked Geno.

"Asleep" the skeleton answered. "I'm sure he won't be very thrilled to see me so take care of him when he wakes up okay?" Asked the skeleton.

Geno nodded. "Come talk to me if you have any questions" said the skeleton as he started to walk away.

"Wait what group should he be in?" Asked Geno.

"You tell me when he wakes up" answered the skeleton as he looked back at Geno. "I put magic restraints on him, it's your decision if you want to take them off or not" said the skeleton with a straight face.

Geno nodded skeptically. The skeleton left the room.
Hey guys welcome to my book
Ummm- yeah that's it for now
Bye- V

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