Happy Birthday

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Ink walked into the art room and hugged Dream. He had a bouquet of flowers that were yellow and white.

He gave them to Dream with a smile. "Happy Birthday Dream!" He said. Dream smiled.

"Thankyou." He said as he planted a kiss on Ink's cheek.

Lust and Blue had given him a painted picture of him and Ink. Dream found this really sweet since Lust and Blue usually didn't like to paint. Nightmare had given Dream a flower crown which he was now wearing as a replacement to his usual crown.

Dream had also given Nightmare a flower crown which he wore as well. Dream was the only one who gave Nightmare a present though since he didn't really like anything other than books and they couldn't exactly go to the store to buy a book.

Cross was painting a picture of Nightmare and Dream. "It's your birthday?" He asked Nightmare. He nodded not taking his eyes off of the book.

"Happy birthday." Cross muttered. Nightmare smiled. "Happy birthday Dream." Said Cross a little louder to where Dream was.

"Thank you." He said again with a chuckle. It seemed that he was also being painted by Ink, so he was staying still.

"Do you ever do anything other than read?" Asked Cross in amusement.

"Yes." Said Nightmare. Cross gave him a look that said 'like what?'. "Like sleeping." He said.

Cross mentally face palmed. "You know that's not what I mean." Said Cross.

"Technically it's something other than reading so it still counts." Said Nightmare with a grin.

Even though Cross wanted a real answer, he didn't have the heart to argue with Nightmare. 'He's so cute' he thought in his mind.

"Fine I guess I sometimes write?" Said Nightmare.

"Well that's basically the same as reading." Said Cross.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not. Reading is comprehending words on paper and writing is making words comprehend able on paper." Said Nightmare matter-a-factly.

Cross started laughing out loud. "So it's basically the same thing. It's just that writing is making your own thing." Said Cross.

Nightmare was about to retort, but he didn't find anything wrong with what Cross said. "Fine fine it's 'the same thing' even though it's not." Nightmare muttered the last part. "Well then I got nothing. I guess I do read most of the time." Said Nightmare as he tried to think of a time when he wasn't reading.

"Have you ever tried painting?" Asked Cross.

"Uhh yeah. A long time ago. I don't really like the bright colors." Said Nightmare.

"Hmm understandable." Said Cross.
"What are you guys doing?" Asked Cross. It was after lunch and so he was in Reaper's group. Well what used to be Reaper's group. Yeah Reaper traded places with Geno cause Reaper was, in Geno's words, 'an irresponsible child'.

"Baking a cake!" Said Horror happily.

Dust, Fell, Killer and Horror looked like they were just mixing random ingredients in a bowl.

Meanwhile Geno was at another table looking carefully at a cook book, and measuring ingredients.

Cross chuckled. He walked over to Geno. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yeah you can help them." Said Geno as he pointed at his friends.

"Geno I'm not stupid. It's very obvious that they are not baking anything edible." Said Cross with a chuckle.

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