Windows Pc and Oreo boi

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He twisted the knob and slowly opened the door. He slowly went inside, and was shocked and somewhat astounded by what he saw.

There he was. Error. He was laying on the bed with rays of bright blue light all around him. Cross heard a noise.

The door closed. Cross tried to open it frantically to no avail. He pressed himself against the wall in fear.

Sure Nightmare had said many times that Error wasn't dangerous and was very calm if you didn't bother him. At the same time though he looked a bit strange, not strange in a weird way just strange in an unknown way.

Then something strange happened. A noise. Chara went over to Error. He had numbers above his head, that Cross couldn't really tell what they meant.

'Hmmm- it seems like something Sci's computer might have done.' Chara said curiously.

"What does it mean?" Cross asked quietly. Chara looked at it again.

'I think he's rebooting?' He said in a doubtful way. 'No that's not right he's not a computer.' He looked at the numbers again. 'Though he kinda sounds like one'

Cross looked at Error. "Is it done yet?" He asked.

'It should finish at 100%' Chara said. The number was now 80%. Cross and Chara stared at the numbers while thinking about what is happening.

'So Error is alive.' Cross thought. Not like he ever wanted to doubt Nightmare, but everything was adding up to Error not being alive. Yet here he was.

Finally the percentage hit 100. Error's eyes changed from the yellow error signs into red eyes with a white pupil in one and a blue pupil with a yellow outline in the other.

He sat up. He looked around the room, as Cross and Chara stared at him in shock. Error's eyes finally got to Cross. He looked at him confusedly.

Then he looked at his arm, as if he was trying to look for something. It seemed he didn't find it. Cross was wrapped in some sort of blue string and hung up in the air. Error was gone from his previous place.

He had teleported to stand in front of cross. "W-w-w-w-who are you?" He asked in a glitchy voice that took Cross by surprise. He looked at Chara. He shrugged. He looked back at Error nervously.

"C-cross." He stuttered out. Error looked at him confusedly. Then the strings dropped him making him fall, flat on the floor. Error turned away disinterested.

"Makes sense." He muttered, the glitchy ness leaving his voice. He froze. "W-w-wait." He came closer to Cross, who was holding his arm in discomfort. "You're new aren't you?" He asked.

Cross nodded. Error thought for a while. "What year is it?" He asked.

Cross though for a while. "2020" he said. Error's eyes widened. He stared at the wall as he slid down to sit down on the floor, in front of Cross.

"F-f-f-f-five years?" He said more to himself. He looked back at Cross. "I'm E-e-e-error." He said.

Nightmare frantically teleported all over the hospital as he nervously looked for Cross.

Dream finally found him and held him firmly by his shoulders. "Nightmare calm down." Nightmare didn't stop trying to escape from Dream's grasp. "Nightmare!"

Nightmare looked at Dream worriedly. Then that worry turned into anger. "You lied to me. You said he wouldn't be taken away." He did something he had only done one other time. He sprouted the goopy black tentacles.

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