How long could we keep it?

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He was alone. the dust of the ones that he loved surrounding him. It looked like his whole world was falling apart. Yet there was still one missing. Killer. Corrupted had him suspended in the air, with one of his many tentacles.

"Stop!" He screamed, pleading for him to let go.

Corrupted smiled sadistically. "Ohh Outer, don't you ever learn. Never get close to people if you don't want them to die." He sliced Killer's neck making him immediately start to dust.


Outer awoke in a cold sweat. He had been sleeping in Killer's room for the past few days, since he had gotten over his fear a bit more. His original bed was in Killer's room, before he had decided to permanently stay in the white room after all. It seemed that Corrupted had decided to pick on him again though.

"Outer?" Asked Killer sleepily. He was laying on the bed next to Outer's. Dust and Horror's bed's being in front of their's.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Outer nodded, yet he had light tears going down his cheeks. Killer sighed and went to sit next to Outer on his bed.

"What did you dream about?" He asked wearily.

"C-corrupted w-was- h-he killed- Y-you were." He couldn't form comprehendible sentences, but Killer understood what he was trying to say. He laid Outer so that they were facing each other, as he cuddled with him.

"I promise I won't let him do that. I'll protect you." He said softly.

It seemed to calm Outer down a bit, as he snuggled closer into Killer. Though he was still very scared.

The waves of fear and sadness that were radiating off of Outer were absolutely delicious to Corrupted.

Nightmare was scowling at him. 'Can't you give him a break for a little while?'

"No." Corrupted said simply. Nightmare rolled his eyes.
"Ahh!" Screamed Cross.


"Uhhh Chara why am I under...... a bed?" He asked, as he tried to figure out if it was a bed.

'Ummm I may have possessed your body last night to go do something.' He said embarrassedly.

Cross glared at him. "You didn't do anything bad right?" He asked.

'No of course not.' He said frantically. Cross looked at him skeptically, but decided to believe him, for now. He carefully got out from under the bed and dusted himself off.

"Are you okay?" Asked Nightmare. Cross nodded. They walked out of the room as they waited for Geno. Reaper had gotten his group back after begging Geno for hours.

Cross remembered what Classic had said or rather written to him. 'You should ask Nightmare for more information'. It seemed that Nightmare wasn't going to give him any more information unless he pushed him. That probably wasn't a good idea.

Though maybe Dream and Ink knew something about him. They seemed to be some of the first ones here so he thought he could at least try.

He waited until Nightmare left to go to the bathroom. "Hey Dream?" He asked.

"Yes?" Dream asked.

"Do you know anything about.......Error?" He asked.

Dream, Ink, Lust and Blue froze. "Error?" Asked Blue with amazement.

"Who told you about him?" Asked Lust.

Cross got worried. "Umm Classic." He said. Classic also looked worried. They all turned to look at him.

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