We're all friends, but why again?

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"Pssst! Error! Nightmare!" Cross attempted to wake them up from afar, since they had fallen asleep in the shed.

'I don't think that's working.' Chara said. Cross rolled his eyes.

"And where have you been? You've been gone like ever since Error came out." He said.

Chara blushed. That made Cross even more confused. "Where were you?" Cross asked with more confusion.

Chara looked away embarrassedly. "Chara!"

'It doesn't matter okay!' He screamed. Cross looked at him confusedly. 'What matters is that I'm here now, and I'm guessing you guys are okay now?' He asked, as he motioned to the couple that was cuddling on the floor in front of them.

Cross had a lot of questions as to why Chara was acting strange, but decided to drop it since it made Chara uncomfortable. He shrugged. "More or less."

Chara nodded. "Wake up!" Cross screamed. They jolted awake and started frantically looking around to see who screamed. Chara tried to hold in his laughter.

'You didn't have to scream at them.' He said. Cross shrugged as he smirked.

"I mean it got them to wake up." He said. They looked at each other and started cracking up.

"You know I should really do that to you one day." Cross said with a smirk.

'Good luck. I'll just sleep where you can't see me.' He said. Cross chuckled.

"Umm- Cross?" Error and Nightmare asked at the same time.

'Opps- time to go. Have fun with your boyfriends.' Said Chara as he vanished. Cross blushed.

"Wait don't leave!" Cross yelled, but he was to late. He looked back at the other two.

"Chara?" Error asked. Cross nodded. "Well I guess it was time to wake up." He said.

Cross nodded in amusement. They walked a bit awkwardly back to the hospital. With Nightmare being a kind of barrier in the middle of them, since the other two were unsure of their relationship up to this point.

Nightmare sighed. "Stop!" He said, as he stopped walking. The glitch and Oreo turned back to look at him in confusion. Nightmare grabbed both of their hands and put them together. Cross and Error blushed.

"You don't need to label yourselves yet. Just don't act so awkward in front of each other when I'm here okay?" He asked.

Error and Cross looked at each other then back at Nightmare, and nodded. Nightmare smiled. They continued to walk in a more calm silence. Nightmare leading the way while Cross and Error walked together, holding hands since neither of them seemed to want to let go.

They walked all the way to the cafeteria to be met with an..................interesting sight.

Firstly was Ink throwing up at the front of the cafeteria. The first reason was that he was pregnant, and that's what usually happens.

The second was that he was pregnant, and the intense mood swings also caused his emotions to act out which in turn made him throw up his ink. "Is he?" Nightmare motioned towards Ink.

Dream, who was there as support, nodded. Nightmare's eyes widened. Of course he had heard this yesterday, but he thought it was just a result of Ink's emotions not being very stable. Guess not.

"Umm- what's going on?" Error asked.

"Ink is pregnant." Dream said. Cross and Error both looked at him for any signs of this being a joke. To their surprise they found none.

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