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I'm literally crying, but it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you guys that this story is over.


I swear I was so emotionally attached to this story, and now it's gone. I mean I had to stop it at some point, and I thought now was a good time, but it still hurts.

I'm dead inside🥲

A moment of silence
Okay that's enough.

Well- I didn't want this story to end, but the truth is I got bored of it so yeah- which is understandable cause I get bored of many things. Really fast.

Anyways I hope you guys liked it, cause like that's the whole point of writing this story(and also feeding my emotions) so yeah

And thank you all so much for the support (comments, votes and follows) it really makes my day and I try to read every single comment, even if I only responded to some. I hope I also encouraged some of you to write some stories of your own, and I'd love to read them (but I have like 300 books in my library so yeah) maybe one day.
Edit: I have 700 now I-
But yeah it's over.

I might make a sequel to this book like before Cross came, how Nightmare and Error's relationship was but I don't know, or maybe one of after like Ink and others having their babies but again idk. Maybe-

Anyways Good bye until next time- V

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