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Cross looked behind the tree Nightmare was sat at. It was the next day, and they were on the playground side of the outside, but yet again Nightmare continued reading.

"I was looking for you." Said Cross, he sat next to Nightmare.

Nightmare hummed in response. He looked sad.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Cross.

Nightmare looked up. "No I'm just worried." He said.

"About Corrupted?" Asked Cross.

Nightmare nodded. "I promise he didn't do anything he was actually quite nice." Said Cross calmly.

'I told you.' Said Corrupted in Nightmare's mind. "No that's not it." Said Nightmare.

"Then what is it?" Asked Cross. Nightmare sighed. He smiled softly.

"It's nothing. I promise." He tried to think of something that he could say to get Cross of his back. He thought of something and even though he rather keep that a secret it was better than telling Cross about Corrupted's plans.

"It's almost my birthday, and well-I don't really like to celebrate it." Said Nightmare.

Cross was surprised. "Why not?" He asked.

"Ehh it's just getting older I guess not really the best thing." Nightmare said with a chuckle. Cross couldn't help, but laugh with him.

"Did Killer and Dust talk to you about Corrupted?" Asked Nightmare.

Cross nodded sadly. "Hmm I'm just glad you're okay." Said Nightmare. "You want to read again?" He asked. Cross nodded happily.
"Ahhh" yelled Red. Then he noticed who it was. "Ohh Classic what are you doing?" He asked.

Classic motioned to the bottle in Red's hand. "Do you want me to get you one of ketchup?" He asked. Classic nodded.

Red slowly sneaked to the back of the kitchen and got a ketchup bottle. He quickly got out before anyone could notice and met Classic outside.

Classic looked embarrassed. "What's wrong?" Asked Red. He motioned to his mouth and then at the bottle in his hands.

"No it's okay. I was glad to get it for you." Red planted a small kiss on Classics skull. "I love you." He said. Classic nodded.

"Uhh what are you doing Red?" Asked Killer. He had been locked in a cell for his behavior earlier and he was now returning.

"Umm- well Reaper was playing knives with the guys, Geno got mad and now Reaper is laying in the middle of the floor saying that Geno doesn't love him. So I thought I could take a break." Said Red.

Killer went to where the hall was, and indeed there was Reaper looking like a depressed trash bag. "Where do we go now?" Killer asked.

"Well we were all in the art room I'm sure they're still there." Red responded.

Killer started walking up the stairs towards the art room. Though was very hesitant to walk in knowing that his friends would not be just sitting down doing arts and crafts. He was right.

It seemed that Horror and Dust were having a paint battle. There was a small skeleton with a straitjacket on, that wasn't tied, in the corner of the room. He was scribbling happily on a piece of paper. He had bandaids all over his arms and some on his head. Though it didn't seem like he was hurt at all.

Killer huffed in annoyance. "Really?" He said. Horror and Dust turned to look at him.

They only now thought to look around the room. The walls were covered in various different colors of paint and the floor had shiny glitter everywhere. The only place that wasn't covered in anything was where the small skeleton was sitting, because he had bones surrounding him which blocked out the paint.

"I'm getting Geno." Said Killer. Dust and Horror immediately got up and started begging Killer not to tell.

Killer sighed. "All right I won't tell. I'm going to see Outer. You should probably clean this up before Geno or Reaper realize though." He said as he walked out.

Killer started walking to the 5 white rooms. Even though he wasn't allowed to go see anyone the keys were always placed on the outside of the rooms. This was for an emergency. Geno kept his eye sockets out for Killer to make sure he didn't take the keys or get in when he wasn't looking.

Everything didn't seem like it was in order though so he thought it wouldn't hurt if he tried to see his boyfriend.

He slowly got the key, unlocked the door and went inside. Outer was laying with his back to the floor, staring up at the celling.

Since he rarely ever left his room Killer got him stars that he could glue to the celling since he seemed to like the night sky a lot. The lights were off and so the only tiny bit of light in the room were the glow in the dark stars.

"Outer?" Asked Killer.

Outer turned to face him with excitement. He ran up and buried his face in Killer's chest as he hugged him.

Killer hugged back. "Is it Night yet?" Asked Outer. Sometimes Killer would sneak to Outer's room at night when Corrupted didn't come out.

"No. It's just a little crazy out there so no one really noticed me." Said Killer with a smile on his face.

"Why didn't you come earlier?" He asked.

"You were sleeping." Said Killer softly.

"I was? Hmmm." He said curiously. Then they started laughing. Outer didn't really pay attention to his schedule since to him every hour was whatever he wanted. The only schedule he pretty much followed was his eating schedule, but that was because Geno or another staff member would bring him his food at a set time.

"Will you stay?" Asked Outer.

Killer smiled sadly as he pet Outer's skull. "I can't stay. Geno will probably not let me, but I can come back tomorrow and take you to see the kids?" He said in more of a question.

Outer nodded. He was a bit sad that Killer couldn't stay, but was happy that he would be returning tomorrow.

They heard someone yelling. "Sorry Outer I have to go." Said Killer as he got up.

"Was that Dust?" He asked.

Killer nodded with an amused smile. "They had a paint war and I'm pretty sure Geno just found them." He said.

Outer chuckled. Killer left the room and locked it before leaving. Sometimes if Classic or Blue were in the rooms they wouldn't lock it cause Blue and Classic aren't dangerous and don't want it locked. However even though Outer wasn't dangerous he was scared and so asked that who ever came into his room would lock it on their way out.

Indeed Geno was very angry. Dust and Horror tried to clean up the mess after Killer left, but ended up just throwing the paint at each other again. They were now in the middle of the hall in little cages, made by bones, while Epic was watching them. What was funny was that Reaper was also in one.

The little skeleton he saw earlier was also on one though his was a bit bigger and he had crayons and paper in it.

Then bones started coming out and surrounding Killer. "Epic what the hell." He said.

"Sorry Killer, but you were with Outer which also makes you guilty, bruh." Said Epic calmly.

"Can I bring Outer?" Asked Killer.

"No?" Said Epic.

"Why not? Red has Classic in his cage." Said Killer gesturing to the cage Red and Classic were in. Red tried to hide Classic, but failed since they were almost the same size.

"Fine you can bring Outer bruh IF he wants to come." Said Epic.

Killer sighed sadly. Even if Outer loved Killer he would never leave in fear of seeing Nightmare or more important Corrupted.
I swear I love writing fluff
Ye ye we got some Kustard, Outerkiller and a bit of Crossmare
Bye - V

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