It seems promises never stay

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(Ahh shit here we go)

'Chara wake up.' Cross had awoken in his ghost form, which was a bit strange since he didn't remember leaving his solid form. Though it was probably because he was not very strong at this time.

Chara stirred before opening his eyes. "What?" He asked a little loudly. Cross put a finger to his mouth motioning for Chara to be quiet.

'Shh.' He signaled to the glitchy skeleton that was asleep on the hammock next to them.

Chara looked down at himself. "Why am I solid?" He asked Cross quietly.

'Probably cause I haven't eaten anything except chocolate.' Cross explained. Chara nodded. He looked at Cross with a devilish smile. 'No.' Cross said sternly. Chara rolled his eyes.

He stood up and looked around the room. "At about what time did we come in here?" Chara asked. Cross thought for a moment.

'1:00 or 2:00? Somewhere in the middle of the day.' Cross shrugged. Chara sighed. He brought out the remains of the chocolate bar and finished it.

"This is boring." He said to Cross. Cross sighed.

'Well what do you want to do?' Cross asked. Chara thought for a moment.

He sighed in disappointment as he couldn't think of anything to do. He took out his knives and started throwing them at the wall. He didn't notice when Error had woken up.

Error was watching Chara confusedly. 'What the funk?' He thought while he watched Chara. 'Wow I cant even think bad words either. I wonder where Fresh is.'

'Chara.' Cross said nervously. Chara turned to look at Cross. 'Error is looking at you.' He said. Chara froze.

"What do I do?" He whispered very quietly. Cross shrugged nervously. Chara looked at him with an unsatisfied frisk face. "Thanks." He said sarcastically.

He slowly turned his head to look at Error. They stared at each other for a while. "Are you a Chara?" Error asked confusedly.

Chara nodded. "Hmm- I was starting to wonder if Cross was a sans." Error muttered to himself. He looked around the room. "Then where is Cross?" He asked.

"Umm- he's still here, but he's a ghost." Chara explained. Error furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Like Corrupted?" He asked, hoping that Nightmare had told him about Corrupted. Chara nodded.

"But we're not the same person." He explained. Error nodded.

"So why are you out?" He asked. Chara shrugged.

"I think it's cause he doesn't have enough power to hold the form, but he'll probably come out later once our energy is the same." Chara explained. Error nodded again.
"Brother you can't stay in there forever." Dream said. Nightmare didn't respond.

Dream came into the room and sat on his knees to be at Nightmare's level. Nightmare was currently laying down on his rib cage with his hands on his sides.

Dream nudged him a bit. Nightmare didn't react. Dream sighed. He got up and went out of the room. He came back with a tray of breakfast foods. He laid it down on the table in front of the door.

"Do you want the lights on or off?" He asked Nightmare.

"Off." He said quietly. Dream nodded and turned the lights off.

"I'll try looking for Cross okay?" Nightmare nodded apathetically. Dream closed the door and left.

'You have to eat.' Corrupted said. Nightmare ignored him. 'Eat or I'll do it for you.' Corrupted said sternly.

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