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"Do you know why I brought you guys here today?" asked W.

Horror, Dust and Killer were infront of him. "To.....train?" asked Horror.

"Precisely." He showed them a picture of XGaster. "I am not sure what he is plaining, but if I know my brother I know it will be very dificult to protect everyone" he said.

"So we need to teach you guys how to protect each other." He moved out of the way to reveal Lust, Outer and Blue. They seemed nervous, Lust being very, very scared of being that close to W, though Geno was comforting him.

"Killer you are with Lust. Horror with Blue, and Dust with Outer." He said as he moved them to be near their respective partners.

"Can I be with Outer?" Killer asked.

"No." Said W. Killer frowned. "Don't worry there is a reason, but first we need to make sure all of you can make an attack."

He nodded at Killer, telling him to start. Killer instantly spawned knives all around him, waiting for W to tell him what to do next. W nodded at Dust this time. He did the same only this time bones spawned all around him.

Horror also spawned bones, though they were much bloodier and broken. W didn't think much of it since he knew that was normal for Horror.

Blue's bones were pretty much the same except his differed from white, blue and orange. Lust spawned hearts that worked pretty much like Outer's, dividing and multiplying on his signal. Outer also took out his stars.

W smiled proudly. "Perfect." He separated each group and made them all face each other. "You see that you each have a partner right?" He asked. They nodded. "Killer you are trying to rescue Outer, Dust is trying to rescue Blue and Horror is doing Lust."

"But Killer you need to make sure Horror doesn't get Lust. Same with you two."

"Blue you are trying to get to Killer. Lust to Dust and Outer to Horror." He finished.

By now everyone was a bit confused. "Don't worry you'll get used to it once we start. It's like a game, the first one to get to their respective person wins got it?" He asked. They nodded. "Then let's start."
"Come on bruh, you got this." Said Epic.

Dream and Nightmare both had their weapons out, Dream having a bow and arrow and Nightmare having a staff, and were told to attack each other, though both of them were hesitant to do so.

They were staring at each other, both in fighting stances, waiting for one of them to do something. Until they both got up standing normally.

"I can't." Said Nightmare.

"You're gonna have to." Said Reaper.

"Can't we just-" Dream was cut off.

"No you can't just." Said Reaper. He sighed. "If you don't fight each other than Nightmare your going to fight Cross and Dream is going to fight Ink."

They turned to look at the two in the distance. They were also told to fight each other, it looked like they were having fun?

They sighed. "Fine." Said Nightmare as he kneeled back down in a fighting position. Dream nodded and did the same.

"Would you like a count down?" Asked Reaper.

"Yes." Nightmare and Dream said. Reaper nodded.


Nightmare lunged at Dream, attempting to trip him with his staff. Dream moved out of the way and was now behind Nightmare. Nightmare dodged the three arrows that Dream shot at him.

They went back and forth throwing their weapons at one another until-. "Ow" yelped Dream. He had gotten hit by Nightmare's staff. It didn't hit him to hard, but it did cause some of his bone to chip, and it hurt.

"Are you okay? Where did it hit you?" Nightmare frantically made sure Dream was okay.

Reaper came up to them. He put his hands on Dream's arm and started to heal it. Nightmare and Dream stared in awe until he finished.

"There. You're all good." He said.

"If you can heal us that fast then why do we even need to fight anyone? Also why didn't you heal us when we got hurt in the past?" Asked Nightmare.

"Because they're not trying to hurt you, they're trying to kidnap you, and I didn't heal you guys because Geno said it's not good to get hurt then recover so fast." He explained.

Nightmare nodded. "Come on try again."
Red and Classic were practicing their attacks on each other to, thought they NEVER got hurt. Mostly because they were both incredibly skilled at dodging and when they were attacking they tried not to hit each other.

"Maybe try doing something unpredictable, Bruh. Like instead of doing a pattern you do something different each turn. That way the person attacking won't be very prepared for the next attack you get me bruh?" Epic asked.

Red and Classic nodded. "Other than that you guys are pretty good at this."

Classic smiled and Red didn't look as sad as he normally did. Epic walked away to check on Ink and Cross, who had let Chara out so he could practice as well.

Red hugged Classic tightly. "I love you." He whispered into his ear.

Classic smiled happily and nodded, making a heart with his bones.
Nightmare and Dream were tired out by now and were taking a break. Though their counterparts seemed to want to play as well.

Dream had goldish, black goo starting to drip down his skull. 'Let me in.' Said Corrupted in Nightmare's head.

"He wants to come out." Dream and Nightmare said in unison. They laughed at their random telepathy.

"Should we let them?" Asked Nightmare.

Dream shrugged. "I think they want to fight each other so it's up to you I guess. I'm fine with it." He said.

"Me to." Said Nightmare. They let the goo overtake them. Corrupted and Shattered smiled sadistically at each other.

"One." Said Corrupted.

"Two." Said Shattered.

"Okay I think that's enough for today." Said W with a proud smile. The others looked happy. The game seemed to work very well and helped them a lot with teamwork and trust.

"The others are in the backyard if you want to practice with them. I hope to see you again soon, but for now I must tend to other things." He said was he teleported away.

He teleported to the Charas and Frisks room. Everything looked normal except for Azy and Farm. Azy simply looked like another child, playing with more children. Farm was watching them calmly.

He walked over to Farm, as he took out two containers. The first one was empty with a brown lid. The second was filled with a strange consistency. It was blue, but it wasn't exactly water like.

"Hello Farm." He greeted. Farm nodded in acknowledgement. W handed him the containers.

"To Sci right?" Farm asked. W nodded and teleported away once again.

This time to the medical center. Back to the back. Back to the room the strange skeleton was in.

He opened the door and went inside. He studied the skeleton for a while. He took out his soul. It seemed he wasn't dead since his soul was still in tact.

However the skeleton showed no sign of being alive, and at times it even looked like a dead corpse. W sighed.

"I'm sure it will work, and went it does you'll be back." He muttered.
Honestly I have nothing to say except
This was supposed to come out yesterday, but my brain wouldn't finish it -_-
Anyways I think I'm not going to be able to update once a day anymore, but it will still be pretty frequent.
(Also I don't think Lust's attacks are hearts, but I thought it would be cute so I made them hearts)

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