Choices each day

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Reaper and Geno were at Cross' table.

"Well?" Asked Geno. Reaper shrugged "you're the boss" he said.

Geno rolled his eyes. "Well you should be in Reaper's group, but I'm giving you a choice of the two since Reaper's group doesn't seem like it brings out the best in you." Said Geno.

Cross thought for a moment. "If I go to your's can I go to Reaper's tomorrow?" He asked.

Geno looked at Reaper again. He shrugged, but nodded. "Yes." Said Geno.

"Then I'll go with you." He said. Geno gestured for him to stand up. They left the cafeteria and started going to a door Cross didn't recognize.

It was all the way at the back of the hospital. He opened it slowly.

It was the outside. There were many beautiful flowers and plants all around and also a couple of trees with fruits and flowers.

Cross was amazed. Ink, Dream, Nightmare, Blue and Lust all went to the trees to talk or read and draw in some cases.

Cross stayed where the flowers were admiring them one by one. They were so soft and colorful.

'Can I see?' Asked Chara.

"I don't know. You promise not to freak out at anybody?" Asked Cross.

Chara nodded. Cross let him into his body. Chara also touched the flowers and even picked one. His eyes lit up and for once he looked like he was happy.

Cross smiled. He couldn't touch the flowers anymore but he could see them so he went a little farther away from Chara to see the other ones.

"Ahh!" Chara yelled. Cross turned to look at where he was. Nightmare had him pinned to the wall.

Cross floated up to Chara. 'Let me in I'll talk to him' he said. Chara nodded, and Cross got into the body.

He immediately felt the pressure, and started chocking. "Cross?" Asked Nightmare. Cross nodded. Nightmare let him go.

"But... where did the kid go?" He asked.

Cross was still struggling to breath. "He's inside of me." He said as he took out his soul and showed it to Nightmare.

Nightmare stared at it. "Wow how did you... do that?" He asked.

Cross looked at Chara. He shrugged. "I don't actually know." Said Cross as he put his soul away and sat down with a thinking face.

Nightmare looked nervous. "Are you okay?" He asked sheepishly. Cross nodded.

"Did you need to tell me something?" Asked Cross.

"I was just making sure you were okay." Nightmare said a faint blush appearing on his face.

Cross smiled. "I'm okay." He said.

"Does the child normally posses you then?" Asked Nightmare.

Cross shook his head. "Well sometimes, but this time he just wanted to touch the flowers so I let him." Cross explained. 

Nightmare nodded. He started walking away.

"Wait can I come with you?" Asked Cross.
Nightmare nodded.

Cross followed him to a large tree that had a book set off to the side. Nightmare sat down and grabbed the book.

"Do you want to read with me?" He asked. Cross nodded.

He sat down next to him as Nightmare started reading aloud to the both of them.
"Did you talk to Nightmare?" Asked Dream.

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