Accepting the betrayal

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Ink and Dream were watching Nightmare and Cross as they read together. This wasn't exactly a peculiar scene-.

Okay scratch that, it was very much peculiar. Nightmare rarely, IF EVER, read with anyone. Even if Nightmare did look happy, this did make Dream and Ink question the other two.

Especially since Nightmare was sitting in Cross' lap. Dream and Ink watched them.

"Ummm- are you guys okay?" Lust asked.
Ink nodded, and went back to drawing.

"Huh what?" Dream asked. Lust rolled his eyes.

"You've been staring at them ever since breakfast." He said in an amused tone.

"Well uh." He said a little to loud. He came closer to Lust. "Don't you think they are acting a little too- I don't know? Friendly." He whispered.

Lust chuckled. "I think it's pretty obvious why." He said. Dream looked at him curiously. Lust laughed again. "I think you should ask him." Dream nodded.

He looked back at Ink. "Want to come?" He asked. Ink nodded. He ripped out a page from the sketchbook, folded it and put it in his pocket. They walked over to the other two.

Cross tapped Nightmare's shoulder to stop him from reading. Cross had his head in the crook of Nightmare's shoulder, while Nightmare read aloud to both of them. 'Stop acting weird' Chara said. Cross ignored him. 'Umm- Dream is here' Chara said.

Dream cleared his throat. Nightmare looked up from the book, confused. "Umm- can I talk to you?" Dream asked his brother. Nightmare blushed as he realized the way they were looking at him. He nodded. He got up and walked off with Dream.

'Imma leave too.' Chara said as he disappeared.

Ink sat in front of Cross. He had a devilish smile on his face. Cross looked at him nervously. "Sooo- what did you do last night?" He asked.

Cross' eyes widened. "How did you know?" He asked a little bit louder then he had intended for.

Ink laughed. "I didn't." Cross gave him a curios look. "Error did that to me once. He said that he didn't know, but if you act like you know more than you do then people will admit to more." Ink explained.

Cross nodded. Ink handed him the piece of paper that he had put into his pocket earlier. It was a picture of Cross and Nightmare in the position that they were in earlier. Cross blushed. He put the picture down and thanked Ink for it.

Ink nodded. He smiled again. "So. Who's the top?" Cross exploded in blush.

Nightmare took a deep breath in. "So-" he said. Dream laughed.

"I see you got a little more comfortable with Cross there, brother. Care to tell me why?" He asked.

Nightmare blushed. "I may or may not have- let Corrupted 'do it' with him." He muttered very quietly.

"What was that?" Dream asked confusedly.

Nightmare sighed. "I let Corrupted fuck him okay?" Nightmare whisper screamed. Dream was taken aback. A single tear went down Nightmare's cheek, but he wasn't about to cry again. He sucked it up and continued.

"It was a distraction so that I could celebrate Error's birthday without him." He said. "But I guess something good came out of it since we are kinda dating now." He whispered sheepishly.

Dream had a shocked expression this whole time. Then he smiled. He came up to Nightmare and hugged him. Nightmare hugged back with a smile. "I'm proud of you brother." Dream whispered into where Nightmare's ear would be.

For the first time ever..................they weren't at the tombstone. They were in the attic. A place that only three people knew of before this. Nightmare, Error and W.

W only knew because this was his house before the hospital of course. Nightmare and Error on the other hand were very fawned of this place. It was where Nightmare would take Error to watch the stars. Now he was doing the same with Cross.

Cross stared at them in amazement. It wasn't much different from looking at them from the ground, except that they had a telescope here. Nightmare was telling Cross about the constellations.

After a while they took a rest and just laid down, as they stared at the stars through the big window in front of them.

"Night?" Cross asked quietly. Nightmare hummed in response. "Can I Kiss you?" Cross asked sheepishly.

Nightmare tensed up. "It's okay if you don't want to yet. I mean it's only been a day after all, and I don't-." He was cut off by Nightmare laughing quietly.

"It's okay Cross, I mean you're only asking after all, but-" he thought for a while. This would pretty much be the ultimate betrayal wouldn't it?

I mean they were in one of Error's favorite spots, and now they were going to kiss. Nightmare sighed. Seems like the world is always filled with mixed emotions. He fake smiled at Cross. "Okay." Cross beamed.

They did the kiss thing, but I'm not good at writing that so yeah.

My crossmare heart is so happy
But- My Errormare heart is dying
Not to mention what I imagine Error might think when seeing this
Sorry for the short chapter, but like in the next know what imma not spoil it
I'm just-


Imma ship XChara with someone just gotta think of who

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