New year, new feelings

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"I-I-I." Cross didn't know how to respond to that.

"It's okay Cross. I don't expect you to answer right away. I simply just wanted to ask so you could know." Said Corrupted simply.

"No it's not that it's just- a lot of people tell me you are dangerous, and constantly tell me to stay away, but-" Cross trailed off.

"What do YOU think?" Asked Corrupted.

Cross blushed. "I-I I love you too." He said quietly. Corrupted smiled.

"So-" he started for Cross.

"So- yes I will be your boyfriend." Said Cross as his whole face erupted with purple. Corrupted smiled even wider, though he felt an excruciating pain in his side of the soul.

"I'm happy to hear that." He said softly. The pain intensified. "I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow." Said Corrupted.

Cross nodded happily. Corrupted disappeared into the distance.
"Why did you do it?"

"Why did you kill them?"

"Why did you kill us?"


"Why are you crying?"

"Dont cry"

"Wake up"

"Wake up!"


"Killer wake up!" Outer screamed. Killer shot up from his bed. Outer was telling him that it was alright, that he was fine, that it was just a nightmare, but all Killer could see was XGaster's face. He teleported to where, he knew W slept. "Ohh no." Outer said worriedly. He had no idea where Killer was or what he was thinking of doing.

"Dust!" Outer called out to Dust. Dust stirred, but other wise didn't react. It was about 4 in the morning at this point, so there was really no one else he could get to help. He bravely left the room to see if he could get any signs of where Killer may have gone.

Then it hit him. W. He started to run quickly up the first flight of stairs. He tried to teleport multiple times, but it wouldn't work. Finally he got to the third floor. He ran until he found the room he was looking for. Surely enough there was W asleep on his desk. Killer was walking slowly and stealthy towards him, with a knife in hand. He was about to strike, but Outer got in his way.

"Stop!" Yelled Outer, awaking W in the process.

"Outer." Killer's eye lights came into view as he shed red tears. There was dark liquid pouring out of his sockets. He only acknowledged Outer's existence of half a second before his eye lights disappeared, and his soul went back to its target shape. He striked. Though it didn't seem to bother W. Killer didn't care though as he kept slashing him with his knife. He just needed him dead.

"No!" Outer shouted. He tried to run in between them, but W made a magical barrier, protecting him.

Killer kept on stabbing him, though he failed to realize that he was doing no damage since W seemed to have a shield protecting the whole of him. Outer watched as W kept putting more and more magical restraints on him.

Killer finally managed to calm down, stopping for a second and realizing what he had done. Before passing out do to the lose of adrenaline, and the effect of the magic restraints. W picked him up and started to walk out, dismantling the barrier that protect Outer. He turned to look at him signally for him to follow.

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