So its Shattered and Corrupted

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Classic ran outside despite Epic yelling at him to get back to his room. Reaper came up to Epic.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know I just saw him running outside." Said Epic with a shrug.

Classic ran up to Red and hugged him. He had tears running down his cheeks.

"Classic?" Asked Red, but hugged back even though he was confused. Classic let go.

"Did you have a Nightmare?" Red asked. Classic nodded. Red wiped away Classic's tears. "It's okay." He said calmly.

Reaper and Epic came up to them. "Classic you are not supposed to leave your room without permission." Said Epic.

Classic turned to look at Red. "He said he's sorry." Said Red. Classic held his hands out in front of him, then pointed to Red and then at himself. "He also asked if he could stay here with me." Said Red. After a while of hanging out with Classic Red got a pretty good idea of what he wanted to say just by Classic signaling certain objects.

Epic looked at Reaper. Reaper shrugged. "I guess, but try to not be seen by Geno" he said. Classic nodded.

They walked back to the the playground. Horror wasn't there anymore.
Chara was holding his soul while showing it to Dust and Killer. They were shocked.

"Is that a human soul?" Asked Horror.

Chara quickly put it away and took out his knife. "Chara calm down" said Dust, Killer and Cross with a scared tone. He threw his knife at Horror. No one had time to react, but something stopped the knife.

Or someone. A slimy black tentacle had caught the knife. Chara let Cross back into his body. The person who had caught it gave Dust, Killer and Horror a look that said 'run'. They, of course, ran.
Nightmare was crying and trembling again. "Nightmare you are strong come on you need to fight him." Said Dream.

"No he's to strong he's gonna come out." Said Nightmare. He put his arms on Dreams shoulders. "Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid okay?" Asked Nightmare. Dream nodded hesitantly.

Just then Nightmare was overtaken by the black goo that was already dripping down his skull. His whole body was filled with it and he started to sprout tentacles.

"Hello Dream." The creature greeted.

Dream glared at him. "Don't do anything stupid." Dream spat.

"Don't worry I just want to meet your friend Crossy~" he said in a flirty tone.

Dream knew that tone. That never meant anything good, but he had already started leaving the game room.

Geno was about to stop him, but realized that it wasn't Nightmare. "Where is he going?" Asked Geno frantically as he started running out.

"To meet Cross" said Dream as he started running out as well.

They made it outside where Reaper's group was. They walked over to where Classic and Red were. "Geno? Dream?" Asked Red.

"Shh" said Dream as he pointed to where Cross and Nightmare were. Dust, Killer and Horror came to join them behind the playground too.

"Do you know what he's doing?" Asked Dust.

"I think he's just going to meet him." Said Dream.

Killer, Horror and almost anyone alive looked scared and nervous. "He wants to meet him. He wouldn't hurt him right?" Asked Dream.

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