Just ONE half day

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Dust was right. He had gone crazy later that day and Epic had to lock the rooms.

No one thought anything of it when Dust started throwing bone attacks at the walls and rooms, but Cross was beyond scared. Chara called him a wimp.

"Why am I still in the cage?" Asked Corrupted.

'Cause I'm not letting you be alone with Cross' said Nightmare.

"I promise I won't do anything." He said.

'Hmm and I believe you so much.'Said Nightmare.

"Suit yourself. I'll just keep try to come out." Said Corrupted.

'Not like you'll have any luck.'

"Ohh I doubt that Pacifist. Eventually you'll get tired like you did yesterday." Said Corrupted with a grin.

'Well I'll just have to try harder' said Nightmare with a huff.

"You realize that with everyday you let me sleep is just another day I get stronger and stronger right?" Asked Corrupted.

Nightmare rolled his eyes. 'Just leave me alone.'

"Come on just hmmm one day. Give me one day I can spend with him." Said Corrupted.

'And what are you going to do?' Nightmare asked.

"I just want to get to know him." Corrupted said.

Nightmare thought for a while. Corrupted always spent time with the new people, but not for a good reason. No. It was to get to know their happiness and most importantly, their fears. It probably wasn't a good thing for Corrupted to have a whole day with Cross, but it was probably going to happen eventually.

'Fine' he said. Corrupted smiled smugly. 'You get ONE half day, tomorrow. Cross will probably be with us in the morning only so I suggest you make it count." Said Nightmare.

"Hmmm of course" said Corrupted.

Nightmare was shaking Dream a bit from his cell. He woke up Ink in the process.

"Hmm?" Asked Ink sleepily.

"Ink!" Nightmare whisper screamed.

Ink sat up. "What's wrong?"

Nightmare felt a wave of black goo start to consome him, but he held on. "Ink I don't have time. I made a ahh deal with Corrupted he's going to want to talk to C-Cross just tell Dream to w-watch him." Nightmare finally managed to say. Then he was overtaken by the goo.

Ink woke Dream up frantically. "What's wrong?" He asked. Ink whispered something to him and he looked at Nightmare's cell nervously.

"I guess he's already here." Said Dream, Ink nodded.

"Hey Dream." Greeted Corrupted.

Dream scowled at him. Geno came up to the cells.

"Corrupted?" He asked.

"Yes?" Corrupted answered.

"Isn't Nightmare supposed to be out right now?" Geno asked.

"Well yes, but we made a deal." Said Corrupted.

Geno raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry I promise I'll behave." He said with a grin.

Geno was even more skeptical, but thought that Nightmare probably wouldn't make a deal if he didn't think it through completely. He unlocked the cells.

They started walking to Blue, Lust and Cross' rooms.

"Umm Corrupted?" Asked Cross, Blue and Lust didn't want to ask or interact with him.

"Hi Crossy." Responded Corrupted.

"Aren't you only supposed to come out at night?" Cross asked.

"No I can come out whenever I want if Pacifist would let me, but I wanted to see you again." Explained Corrupted as they walked to the cafeteria.

Cross nodded, thinking that Pacifist was Nightmare.

They walked in and immediately all eyes went to Corrupted. Most of them were scared. Cross didn't see why, after all Corrupted hadn't done anything bad to him.......yet.

They sat down at their usual spots only this time Corrupted sat next to Cross.
"Are you going to eat?" Cross asked.

"No I don't really like food." Corrupted said. Cross nodded.
"Dream calm down, he's fine" said Ink.

Dream shook his head. "He might be fine now, but the moment I turn away is the moment he'll do something bad." Said Dream, not taking his eyes of off Cross and Corrupted, who were sitting at a near by table talking.

"Ink is right, Dream. Sure Corrupted is known for luring people into a false sense of security, but I doubt he'll do anything yet. He barely knows Cross." Said Lust.

"Which gives us all the more reason to watch out. We don't know what he wants to do with him." Said Dream. Lust and Ink sighed.
"Can I ask you something?" Asked Cross.

Corrupted nodded. "Are you dangerous?" He asked.

Corrupted thought for a moment. "You know you're the first one to ask me that. Most people just go off of the impression that I am because of my looks and because of what people tell them." Explain Corrupted.

"Hmmm I wouldn't say I'm dangerous so no." He finished.

Cross nodded. "Why? Are you scared of me?" He asked.

Cross shook his head. Corrupted was taken aback. He tried to sense if Cross was lying or not, but all he could feel was complete honesty, and.............something else. It felt like a different person?

"Cross?" He asked.


"Can I see your..... soul?" Corrupted asked. A wave of fear came off of Cross and also a little bit of anger from a different source. That only furthered Corrupted's suspicions.

"I can show you mine as well if you'd like?" Asked Corrupted. Cross was worried about what Corrupted would say or do, but he was also curious about what Nightmare's soul looked like.

Cross nodded. Corrupted took out his soul and handed it to Cross. Cross and Chara stared at it.

It was a dark purple apple, but one third of it was goopy and darker. He handed it back to Corrupted who put it back inside of him.

Cross was about to take his soul out. 'What are you doing?' Asked Chara. "Leave me alone" muttered Cross.

He took his soul and hesitantly gave it to Corrupted. He looked at it and studied it. It didn't look like Nightmare's. Nightmare's looked like it was naturally like that. Cross' looked like it was stitched together as a last attempt to fix it.

Cross was absolutely terrified by now, and was about to accept his fate, but Corrupted handed the soul back.

Cross put it back in. "Do you-?" Cross was cut off.

"It's okay. I think I understand." Said Corrupted. Cross nodded. They continued talking about random things.

Chara was mad and scared about more people knowing especially someone like Corrupted.

Ink, Dream and Lust were staring in confusion and fear. Why didn't Corrupted crush the soul when he had the chance?

Corrupted was wondering the same thing. Cross was happy and relived that Corrupted didn't do anything bad.
Hi hi hi hi hi
Ehh I had a lot of fun writhing this tbh
Hhahaha I love when I love things
If that makes any sense
Bye - V

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