Another day with Chara

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"Sorry Cross, but me and Ink have to go." Said Dream.

"Why?" Asked Cross.

Dream looked nervous. "We just need to do something. We promise we'll tell you later." Said Ink. Dream nodded.

Cross was a bit scared of being alone, but thought it would be fine for now. "Okay. See you tomorrow then." Said Cross with a smile.

They left and Cross laid down on his bed.

'They are using you.' Said Chara.

Cross got up to be on eye level with Chara. 'And how exactly?' He asked.

'Well you are in a room, all alone, and someone could come at any moment to lock the room.' Said Chara.

Cross rolled his eyes. "And why does that matter it's not like thats not exactly how I was living a few days ago." He said.

Chara scowled. 'I thought you're wish this whole time was to leave the hospital, and now that we're in another one you suddenly don't care about leaving?' Asked Chara.

Cross shrugged. "It doesn't seem as bad as the other one and there are other skeletons here." He answered.

Chara was shocked. 'And what about me what about what I want?' Asked Chara.

"And what is it you want?" Asked Cross in a whisper yell.

'Well to not be a ghost for one.' Said Chara as he crossed his arms.

"Well I would let you out. If you weren't so set on leaving this place." Said Cross.

Chara frowned. "Fine. Did you hear Blue say there were kids here?" Asked Cross.

Chara nodded. "Maybe I can ask Geno if he can let me see them, then I might let you come out in secret." Said Cross.

Chara lit up by this. 'Okay, deal' he said as he disappeared.

Cross laid back down and tried to fall asleep.

"I need you to check his soul." Said the skeleton with a seriousness.

"What?" Asked Geno in shock.

"I need you to check his soul." The skeleton repeated with the same tone.

"So you think that he has a human child in him and so you want me to check his soul?" Asked Geno.

The skeleton nodded. "Why don't you do it?" Asked Geno.

"You know why." Said the skeleton.

"Can't it wait. I mean he barely got here two days ago. It might make me lose his trust." Said Geno.

"I don't know. I think if my theory is correct, then the child inside him can possibly posses him, and we don't know what the child's intentions are." Said the skeleton.

"It's okay if he tries to do something we are completely prepared." Said Geno.

The skeleton nodded. "Fine but you need to check his soul as soon as possible." Said the skeleton as he started walking away.

Geno sighed and went back to medical centers office.
"Hey Geno?" Asked Cross.

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