Its hard to express, but i'll say yes

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Nightmare awoke in a cold sweat. The dream he had was not exactly bad, but a little scary. Probably Dream trying to give him a good dream, though it was probably infected by Shattered. What was even scarier though is what he awoke to.

He looked down. As he expected this was not his bed. It was Cross'. 'He really did it didn't he?' He thought. It was about 2:00 in the morning at this point. He avoided looking at what or rather who was next to him.

'I'll have to look eventually.' He thought. He took a deep breath in and hesitantly looked to his side. There was Cross, who was sound asleep. Any other time this would be a cute sight for Nightmare. Not today.

He was filled with regret. He slowly got out of the bed as to not wake Cross up. He left the room. Then he froze in the middle of the hall.

He didn't know where to go. The outside was probably locked, so the tombstone wasn't an option. He sighed as he climbed the stairs. He went into the spare white room.
Cross turned around, hoping to find Corrupted or Nightmare next to him, but all he was met with was an empty space.

He sighed. Nightmare probably left. Though he didn't exactly know why. He decided to look for him.

He got out of the bed slowly, since he was still sore from last nights events. He thought about where Nightmare may have been.

After some thought he came to the conclusion that he would either be in the cell or in the white rooms. Though he picked the white room, since he didn't want to disturb Ink and Dream.

He started to climb the stairs. Through the hall way, all the way to the end. To the last room. He opened the door slowly and went inside.

There he was. It was very dark, except for a flashlight that was placed in front of the sobbing figure. Nightmare was crying lightly. Cross frowned.

He slowly came up to Nightmare. The other faltered. "Go to sleep Cross." Nightmare said softly. Cross froze. Nightmare turned around to face Cross, but stayed sitting down with his knees to his chest.

He had tears rolling down his checks. Cross frowned. He walked a bit closer, to which Nightmare backed away. Cross decided not to move anymore, and opted to sitting down in front of Nightmare.

"I'm sorry." Nightmare said. Cross furrowed his brows.

"For what?" He asked confusedly.

Nightmare shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it. I'm just...sorry." He took a deep breath, and smiled.

"Can you promise me something?" He asked Cross.

"Maybe." Cross responded.

Nightmare chuckled sadly. "Promise me that you won't get mad. I-I I'm not sure when and I don't want to talk about it, but something is going to happen, just promise me that you won't get mad at me." Nightmare finished.

"Will it hurt me?" Cross asked. Nightmare looked at him as more tears went down his face.

"I-I I don't know." He admitted.

"Will it hurt you?"

"No." Cross nodded in a bit of understanding.

"I promise." He said genuinely. Nightmare smiled. That was it. He took a deep breath in.

"Yes." He muttered. Cross looked at him in confusion. "If the offer still stands then yes, I'll be your boyfriend." He finished.

Cross' face of confusion was soon replaced with one of overwhelming happiness. He ran up to Nightmare and hugged him tightly. Nightmare chuckled and hugged back.

Cross released. Nightmare was crying again, the bittersweet emotions hitting him almost immediately. Cross wiped away the tears.

"Don't cry, please." He said. Nightmare nodded, and tried not to cry. Cross stood up and held out a hand for Nightmare to which he accepted. He started walking back out the door and to their room, with Nightmare trailing behind.

They entered the room, and Cross led them to his bed. He got on it. Nightmare looked at him hesitantly.

"Sleep with me." Cross said. Nightmare tensed up. Cross' eyes went wide. "No not like that, just normally. Please?" He asked.

Nightmare hesitated before nodding. He slowly got into the bed. He laid down, looking away from Cross. Cross smiled. He got closer, spooning Nightmare in the process.

Sci took a deep breath. His hands were shaking. In his hand was............ the last syringe.

He tried to walk over to the container that held the other three, but couldn't. He was frozen. It finally hit him that he did it. He did what he thought was impossible. He tried to move, but failed for the third time. "F-farm?" He called out.

Farm hummed in response, signaling that he was listening. He was watering the flowers that he had brought into the lab shortly after Valentine's Day. Since Sci didn't leave the lab, but still wanted to see beautiful things, like flowers close by.

"Come h-here please." He said. Farm came into the room right away. He looked at Sci with concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Sci moved just enough to hand Farm the syringe.

Sci took a deep breath, a tear going down his check. He smiled. "I did it." He muttered. Farm looked down at the syringe in his hand. He looked up at Sci and frowned.

Then he realized that the other was crying happy tears. He put the syringe in the container, and went over to hug Sci.

W teleported into the room while the other two were hugging. He cleared his throat. The other two released and looked at W, blush on their faces.

"Was I interrupting something important?" He asked with an amused, father like smile. Sci blushed even more and cleared his throat. He shook his head, and motioned for Farm to 'go away' . Farm nodded and left, to go water the plants again.

"Did you need something?" Sci asked W.

W nodded. "I was wondering if you were done?" He asked. Sci looked back at him with pure excitement. He nodded vigorously. He pointed at the container.

W went to look at it. He smiled. He turned to look at Sci. "I'm proud of you, Sci." He said. Sci nodded, professionally.

W turned away. "I don't need them yet. I must ready the room first, but I hope you are ready." He said to Sci. Sci nodded.

W looked back to where Farm was. "Probably I good idea if you tell him what his role is in all this." He whispered to Sci.

Sci chuckled and nodded. W laughed a bit too, as he teleported away. Farm came into the room.

"What IS my role in all this?" He asked. Sci laughed.

"Ohh, nothing. You're just gonna inject one of the syringes into Error." He said.

"IM WHAT?" Sci laughed.
Crossmare is official
Sci finished the syringes
Farewell- V

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