And while we stay away

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"Well that wasn't supposed to happen no one was supposed to go into the room with Error." Sci snapped.

"Well then why didn't you lock it right as you left so that no one would have gotten inside?" Geno asked.

"I don't know." Sci said.

Geno huffed. "Also what about Nightmare. Why didn't you just tell him that Error was coming so that he would prepare himself?"

Sci huffed in annoyance. "Yeah like Nightmare's good at handling his emotions." He said sarcastically.

"Geno I think we should leave." Reaper said.

"No! And now what about Cross and Error? Do you even know where they are? Cause Nightmare is acting like they're dead."

Sci groaned in anger. He was about to say something, but someone else did first.

"Enough!" It was W. He sighed. "Geno you can't go crazy on Sci just cause you think he could have done better." He finished.

Geno huffed. "Well I can get mad at him for losing Cross and Error." He fired back.

"They're not lost." Farm walked in. Geno looked at him skeptically.

"Then where are they?" He asked.

"Somewhere in the hospital. I don't know where exactly. They told me not to look for them." Farm said.

Geno looked at him annoyedly. "So you just let them go?" He asked. He sounded like he was about to explode.

"Look. I think it's a better idea to let them figure out what ever is happening before dragging them out here and making them confront you." Geno glared at him. He hid behind Sci. "Please don't kill me." He said quickly.

Geno sighed. "Fine." He said finally. "I'll leave, for now, but you better fix this." He said as he started heading for the door. "Especially Nightmare. He seems dead."

He left with Reaper following(Simp). Sci sighed. W put a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright. It's not your fault." He said.

"I know." Sci said. "It just feels like I could have done something different."

Cross and Error were now in front of the room that they met in. What they didn't know was that another skeleton was also here.

Nightmare was watching them in his ghost form. It made him happy that they were getting along so well, even if it wasn't with him.

Error was laying on a string made hammock as he knitted a doll that looked like certain someone. Cross watched in amusement as he ate his breakfast.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked Error. He shook his head.

"I don't really need to eat. Not sure why I just don't need it. I just eat chocolate for the flavor I guess." He shrugged, and went back to his doll.

After a while it became very obvious that the doll was supposed to be Cross, so Cross decided to tease him a little. "Is that me?" He asked in amusement.

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