Secret deal

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'So do we have a deal?' Asked Corrupted.

Nightmare scoffed and shook his head. Corrupted sat down in front of him. He was growing inpatient. "Why not?" He growled.

Nightmare looked up to look at him. Corrupted was giving him a stare that could kill, but Nightmare wasn't worried.

"I don't want you to hurt him." He said sternly. Corrupted smiled.

'I won't.' He said.

Nightmare looked at him with a dissatisfied face. "Sure." He said in a sarcastic voice. Corrupted rolled his eyes.

'Do you remember Error?'

"Fuck you."

'You know Cross reminds me of him.' He said, ignoring what Nightmare responded.

Corrupted sighed. 'I won't hurt him.' He said again.

"I know." Nightmare responded sadly. Corrupted looked at him confusedly.

'Is this about Error? Again?' He asked.

Nightmare chuckled, and nodded. "It's always about Error." He said. He sighed. "Fine."

Corrupted looked at him. "In the night, you leave me the fuck alone, and I'll." He took a deep breath. "I'll get the key."

Corrupted smiled. Nightmare looked at him with a warning look. "BUT, you don't do anything if he doesn't want to." He added sternly. Corrupted smiled.

'I won't.' And with that he left. It felt amazing. Without having a constant figure of negativity near you at all times, Nightmare felt much happier, and less depressed.

He knew he would regret this later, but decided to not think about it. Today was Error's day.
It would be an understatement to say that Nightmare was very excited today. He was absolutely ecstatic.

Of course everyone knew why. Except for one vital person. Cross.

Though he didn't ask any questions until later, being too entertained with Nightmare, who was acting like a child on their birthday. He was even more excited then when it was his ACTUAL birthday.

Throughout the whole day he didn't pick up a book once, and actually acknowledged the other people that were there.

"Why did you add blue to the white?" Nightmare asked confusedly.

Ink laughed as he mixed the paint together. "For shadows." He said.

"But shadows are black!?!??"

Everyone laughed. Nightmare pouted. "Even Azy is a better painter than you." Cross said.

Nightmare scoffed playfully. "Yeah right."
"Why are you so excited?" Cross asked.

They were outside now. Cross decided to stay in their group instead of switching like he normally did, for obvious reasons.

Nightmare smiled. "Cause you're here." He said. Not completely true, but not false either.

Cross smiled. "But I'm always here." He said.

Nightmare sighed. "Yeah there's another reason, but I don't really want to talk about it, it will make me sad." He whispered the last part.

Cross nodded. He dropped the subject.

"You want to climb the tree?" Nightmare asked, snapping Cross out of his thinking trance. Cross nodded.

They started to climb the tree that they were sitting in front of. Cross went first and helped Nightmare. They made it to the top which had a little space for them to sit. It had started to get dark, and so by this point they were watching the sun set.

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