But thats pretty gay

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The middle of the night. It was very dark in all the corners of the hospital. Error slowly left the room. Trying to not be seen by anyone, especially Cross or Nightmare.

The chocolate he ate with Cross also kinda made him want some more so he started walking to the cafeteria. He carefully walked behind the counter to enter the kitchen.

Once he was in the kitchen he saw a certain monochrome skeleton.



"What are you doing here?" They asked at the same time. They laughed.

"I came for chocolate milk." Cross explained.

"Yeah I came for chocolate." Error said. Cross nodded. They went on to find what they wanted. They were so busy getting their respective food that they didn't notice the other person who came into the kitchen.

Ink was leaning against the counter eating cookies. He stared at the other too with a dead inside look. His eye lights no longer having the life or expression that they usually did, instead being replaced by two white dots.

"Ahh!" Error screamed.

"Hey Error." Ink said calmly. He looked to where Cross was. "Hey Cross." He continued eating his food.

"Ink what are you doing?" Error asked.

Ink shrugged. "I'm tired." He said. Error sighed.

"What were you doing?" Cross asked curiously as he took a sip of chocolate milk.

"Dream." Ink said calmly. Cross almost spit his chocolate milk out.

Error chuckled. "You really need to drink your vials again." He said.

Ink nodded. He sipped the last of his milk, and put the cup in the sink. He took out his paintbrush and painted some on the floor.

He looked back at Cross and Error. "I'm glad your back Error." He grabbed another cookie. "Even if I can't show it." He jumped into the paint puddle and disappeared.

Error and Cross stared at it for a while before cracking up. After that there was nothing but awkward silence.

Error turned to look at Cross. He was looking at the floor in regret and nervousness.

Error smiled sadly, conflicted as to what he was supposed to do. He tapped Cross' shoulder, making the other lift his head.
"Come. Follow me." Error motioned for him to follow.

Cross did so out of curiosity and regret. They went upstairs, and to a place Cross had been in last time. The attic.

Error went in as if it was second nature. Looking at it again in this new light it did seem like it belonged to Error. It had a huge, bright blue bean bag chair at the far corner that matched Error perfectly.

Error sat on the chair and motioned for Cross to sit on a wooden chair that was placed next to it. Error sighed not really knowing what to say yet.

He thought back to earlier today and what Nightmare had said. 'Geez he really did go hard on him.' He thought.

"I'm sorry, Cross." He said, not knowing that he was saying it out loud.

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