Courtney Meyer-Favela

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Courtney Meyer-Favela – Brazilian (Italian, Portuguese, and German ancestry); McKenzie Tanner's right-hand man and "best friend", Courtney is a misunderstood girl who is sometimes susceptible to easy manipulation by other people. She is a beautiful female student who has been nicknamed "Red" for her long, loosely wavy titian hair, which is paired with soft apricot skin, nude heart-shaped lips, a small, curved nose, and rich chocolate brown eyes. Her physical constitution is such that she does not gain weight no matter how much she eats. She is generally very kind, sweet, and cordial person, although McKenzie's negative influence can cause her to appear rather selfish and even cruel as she caves under the pressure to fit in. Courtney has a strange, disjointed friend group that ranges from total nerds to reigning socialites and mostly just floats around. She secretly can't wait to finish high school and go do her gap year in Zimbabwe, which she talks about pretty unceasingly. She dated often, played whatever sport was cool to play and was perceived as kind of mean for the first couple of years. She had a natural knack for athleticism, fashion and charming others, which allowed her to be dominant without engaging in the deadly sin of trying too hard. Courtney is also fashionable, talkative, melodramatic, stubborn, and very wealthy, which causes her to be labeled as snobbish and spoiled. Although she can be friendly, her vulnerability and tendency to take the judgment of others, including McKenzie, to heart can cause her to break down and do rather unexpected things. She will also consider the social standings of herself and others when making decisions, hence her initial hesitation to befriend Julia and her less popular friends. She normally tends to be outgoing and sociable, yet can be misinterpreted as coming across as somewhat affected and insincere in her friendly attitude towards other people. 

Courtney is sometimes perceived as being fake, airheaded and excessively image-oriented, as well as the ultimate social chameleon. Her kindness seems excessive to some people, as she has been known to be a notorious people pleaser. She often enthralls people under her spell with her artful wiles and is described by some of her less popular peers as the type of person whom has never heard a "no" in her life. She can influence others with her actions and, much like her best friend McKenzie, encourage situations to flow in her favor through her beguiling charm, despite her more weak-willed personality. Courtney often has a lack of empathy for everything and believes that money, her maid, and her father can fix any problem. She is often disliked due to her outwardly condescending attitude and frequent selfishness, but is good at giving advice on things like fashion or love. Like her father, she is very loquacious and good at doing business with people. Her spoiled home life has left her somewhat naïve when it comes to certain basics of domestic life however. Courtney does not know how to wash dishes by hand in a sink for instance, believing that she could get the job done simply by squirting some dishwashing liquid on a pile of dirty dishes sitting in a sink. She seems to lead a very comfortable lifestyle with a mother who works as an insurance broker and father who earns a stable income as a banker, causing her to sometimes lack empathy for the struggles of some of her less privileged classmates. As someone who is described as sheltered and "having it all", she can be unintentionally shallow and insensitive in her dealings with other people, although she ultimately has a good heart and can offer a dose of kindness when needed. She stands up for Phyllis by telling McKenzie not to pick on her, claiming that it was not Phyllis' fault that her family was in debt. Although she is generally a nice person and a loyal friend, Courtney has also been shown to resort to stealing if she sees something she wants but cannot have. 

She will feel guilty about the theft and sometimes worry about being arrested for breaking the law, leading her to return the item to its owner or otherwise attempt to right her wrong. Regardless of her coy demeanor, she is often described as a very intelligent girl, with a strong character and desire to always get what she wants and do what she thinks is best for her in the long term, often at the expense of her father's wishes. She is also resilient and can be bold, having a certain spunk to her demeanor that can make her seem fearless and audacious, but never to the point of brashness or impertinence. Courtney nevertheless has a humorous side and can be clever, but sometimes reserves this side of herself due to her insecurities and poor self-image. Despite often dumbing herself down at times to be better received by males she feels an attraction for, she can be smart when she wants to be and prove herself to be well-read and intellectually nimble. She is well-liked, high-achieving, and the head of several social committees, leading her to plan her school's senior prom. She is smarter than she seems and can effortlessly perceive potential in her environment to play her way out of tricky situations. Courtney is bisexual and is described as having experienced many "fun, but short-lived flings" with other people. Her most notable attractions include a brief "friends with benefits" relationship with her female classmate Bianca Rutelli and her temporary crush on Connor Tran once he tutored her in physics. She is known to be very flirtatious and is usually in a new relationship every three months, with her most recent relationship being with the equally popular Seth DeVries. Extraverted and stylish, she is prone to going along with the latest fad and is described as the type to "go all in" when they are interested in something. 

Courtney is still very perky and optimistic, as when she subbed Mr. Garrison, she wanted to be "fun" despite being the temporary manager, calling herself the "funager". She is sometimes too permissive for her own good, as she let a bunch of shoppers take her stuff and was not even upset about it, saying that she would just make some new clothes out of her old ones. Though her cousins taught her to be tougher, she decided that she likes being nice more, as she gave some of the clothes she bought away to people who needed them more. She also worked very hard to bring her work friends and school friends together and felt guilty for all the arguing between them, punishing herself by missing out on her favorite sale, although her friends made amends for her sake. When Courtney gets a minor injury and refers to it as an "ouchie", and she strongly dislikes being side-eyed and tends to say the words "my my my" three times when she is plagued with indecision. She similarly appears to get easily distracted by shiny objects, which she uses in order to cheer up the kids that she babysits for. Her sunglasses are white with round lenses and are on top of her head every time she visits, with the only time she removes them being when she goes to bed, showers, goes swimming or goes outside in the snow. She is shown to have hidden depths as well, as she is shown to know how to change a car tire, owns a credit card, and is a surprisingly competent driver. According to her father, Courtney wants to get her belly button pierced, although he forbids it, and her life's work is a six-piece children's jigsaw puzzle. She knows about Russian cuisine and can speak a few phrases in Spanish with some frequency, and she mentions that if she had an aura, it would be teal. She hates pebbled ice because she thinks of it like chewing on baby rocks. Despite claiming to dislike video games, she has no problem playing Call of Duty and is seen eagerly playing video games with Alec Buckley and his best friend Connor Tran.

Courtney cares a lot about her looks, being drawn to fashion that feels "romantic, personalized, and unusual" and won a baby contest in her hometown of Santa Barbara, California when she was two. She is similarly known to be extremely fun at parties and is frequently the one throwing them. She also has hidden depths, such as her love of theatre, acting and writing, in addition to having a slight interest in Celtic culture and the darker side of spirituality, such as paganism. Despite being a cheerleader, she has a love for the arts, being a member of her school's show choir and drama club with a love of singing and dancing. Courtney is very into acting and takes her Drama elective seriously, with a particular love for performing morbid Shakespearean plays and rapturous Broadway-esque musicals. A former child actress, she has appeared in several small commercials, most notably one promoting Sketchers, and has likewise modeled to a lesser extent. She frequently serves as a "team mom" among her close friends, often referring to herself as "Mama Courtney" and aiming to empower those around her. Due to her training as an actress, she also has great insight and almost always knows when someone is pretending or lying. Courtney is notorious for being a fan of Cavetown and has several posters and related memorabilia of theirs in her room, something that McKenzie will often use as a recurring joke. Although she won't admit it, she was a massive Twilight fan as a younger teen as well and considered the book series to be her guilty pleasure. She can also quote most of the lines from Mean Girls and The Most Popular Girls in School by memory. As a person who is passionate about musical theater, she dreams of attending Julliard in the future and winning a Tony award as a Broadway actress. ESFJ 2w3

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