Chapter 2 | "save your breath"

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"Baek Minji, it's terrible to see you too." He sneered out, blocking her entrance. "I'm just here to do my job of ruining your day."

"Congrats, mission accomplished." She growled, staring up at him. "Just the sight of your face is enough to dampen my mood."

"Good to know that the feeling is mutual."

She just rolled her eyes, stepping to the side and trying to walk around him. He let out an amused huff, sliding to the side and blocking her way.

"Not so fast, I haven't had my fun yet." He said with a smirk.

"Oh boo hoo, I don't care. Step off." She replied, trying to go around him again only to be blocked. "How long are you going to keep this up for?"

"I don't know, how long will it be before you snap?"

"You really don't want to push me." She said threateningly, taking a step closer to him.

"Oh but I think I do." He smirked back, closing the distance between them.

"Just leave me alone, Haechan. This is immature." She said, stepping back as he let out an amused huff and blocked her way again.

"Can't handle it?"

"She said back off, dickhead, leave her alone." Sungchan growled, pushing his way between the two of them. "Step aside."

"Ooh big bad watch dog to the rescue?" Haechan smirked, the two boys only inches away from one another. "What are you gonna do, fool? I could shred you."

"You wanna try? I'd love to see you try." The taller boy growled back.

The two males stared down one another, anger radiating off of them as they stood unmoving.

"Step off, Lee."

"Make me, Jung."

Minji stepped forward, twisting Haechan's arm behind his back right as he shoved Sungchan, the tall boy stumbling back slightly. Haechan winced in pain as she harshly gripped his wrist, pushing him forward so he was bent down.

"I don't want to fight you, Haechan." She growled lowly into his ear. "But if you ever lay a hand on one of my members again, I'll cut you apart until your last moments are spent drowning in a pool of your own blood."

She released his arm and shoved him backwards, his members stabilizing him as he rubbed his sore shoulder.

"I'll play along with your foolish games if that's what it takes to keep you at bay. But don't push me, because once I snap" she walked right over to him to she was looking right up in his face. "you're done for."

She took a step back, smoothing out her hair and plastering a fake smile on her face.

"Well wasn't that a fun start to the morning. See you around, Lee."

She motioned for the two boys to follow her into the school, Sungchan making sure to knock harshly into Haechan's shoulder on the way in.

"Damn Minji, you're hot when you go all mafia girl." Jeno said with a smirk.

"Careful," she warned, "Sungchan might snap your neck if you flirt with me."

"I'm just kidding," Jeno said, throwing an arm around her. "You're hot all the time. Ow-" he grunted as she elbowed him in the side. "I'm joking I swear."

"Get to class, idiot." She said playfully as she pushed him in the direction of his first period. "We'll see you at lunch."

Sungchan smirked as he threw an arm over her shoulders.

"You think that asshole learned his place today?"

"Doubt it." She sighed. "He always comes back for more, that boy is relentless."

"Well, if he does, let me know. I'd love to have an excuse to whoop his ass." The tall boy growled out playfully.

"As if you could."

"Hey, I've been working out, you know. The grind never stops, gotta get those gains." He said, jokingly flexing his muscles.

"It's when you say things like that, Sungchan, that I question why we are friends." Minji replied, cringing at his choice of words.

"Oh shut up, you love me."

"Love is an overstatement."


"Yup that's me." She said with a smile as they turned down a hallway. "Now come on, we're going to be late."

- - -

"Alright class, we'll be doing partner experiments today." Their chemistry professor called from the front of the room.

Instantly Minji and Sungchan turned to one another, high fiving excitedly.

"Don't get too happy yet. I'll be assigning partners." The Professor added, seeing the way the shoulder's dropped around the room. "Now now, don't be like that. It's good experience for you to work with one another. Anyways, here are the pairs. Yuna and Seungmin. Jeongin and Yeri. Sungchan and Joy. Felix and Renjun. Hyunjin and Yeji. And lastly, Minji and Haechan."

She felt her body freeze, her laughter cutting off abruptly as she let out a deep sigh, hearing Sungchan chuckling beside her as he rose from his seat and went to find his partner.

"If I could kill myself right now, I would." Haechan said with a groan as he sat next to her.

"Please, feel free to do so, I'm not gonna stop you." She replied sarcastically, the two of them sharing a mocking glare as they set to work on their experiment.

"God you're so uncoordinated." Haechan muttered out as she slowly poured the chemicals together.

"You weren't saying that this morning." She retorted, watching the reaction. "Shoulder still a bit sore?"

"You're really annoying, did you know that?"

"Takes one to know one, babes, and you're perhaps the most annoying person of all."

"You know what, Minji, you're-"

"What?" She cut him off, turning to stare at him with a raised eyebrows. "A bitch? Irritating? Frustrating? I've heard it all before so why don't you save your breath."

The two stared at one another, their eyes locked and burning with intensity as she smirked at him, knowing she had won. With a hum, she turned her attention back onto their experiment as he sat there, fuming.

"You are absolutely insufferable, Baek." He mumbled angrily.

She turned to him and flashed him a dazzling smile.

"Thank you, it's a talent."

I know I said I probably wouldn't be able to update every day but y'all seemed so excited about the new book so here's chapter 2!

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I know I said I probably wouldn't be able to update every day but y'all seemed so excited about the new book so here's chapter 2!

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