Chapter 15 | "just in time"

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"Lee Taeyong if you're not already dead I'm going to kill you!" She yelled, slamming her car door as she pulled up to the location Jisung had sent her, seeing people gathered by the familiar cars.

She quickly walked over to the group, unable to make out which members were there. They all gasped when they saw her, Mark quickly pushing his way to the front.

"Minji? What are you doing here?" He asked, pulling her into a hug. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, what happened to you?" She asked, seeing the blood on his shirt.

"It's not mine." She let out a sigh of relief. "I just got some cuts on my arms is all."

"What's been happening? Is everyone okay? Catch me up to speed." She said, walking over to the crowd of boys.

Her eyes saddened as she looked at the small group, seeing many of them bleeding and injured. Nothing fatal, but injured nonetheless.

"Taeil's been taking care of us." Mark said, seeing her expressions. "We've all got some bruises and cuts, but nothing too horrible. Yuta, Jaemin, and Jeno got the worst of it. Yuta has two stab wounds, Jeno got slashed down the back, and Jaemin's neck got grazed by a bullet." He reported, pointing to each of them boys as they waved at her.

"Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine, Ji. Hurting, sure, but alive and well." Yuta said with a reassuring smile.

She quickly scanned the rest of the injured boys, doing a quick headcount before she realized that some were still missing.

"Haechan, Jaehyun, Sungchan, Taeyong, and Yangyang are all still in there." Lucas said as he saw the fear in her eyes. "Don't worry, they're just doing their part of the plan."

She nodded, turning and taking a step towards the building before she felt someone grab her arm. Turning, she saw Johnny standing there.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" He asked.

"To go help them."

"No you're not, you don't know the plan." He argued, dragging her back to the circle of boys. "You'll get hurt. They're doing perfectly fine. You're staying here with us until they come out."


"Minji. I said no. Everything is going exactly as we planned, so just wait it out with us. They don't need the help."

She sighed, seeing the stern expression on his face and taking a seat between Jungwoo and Xiaojun, who were both wrapping cuts in their arms. Just as she settled in, she saw Johnny tense up, pressing his in ear as a panicked look came across his face.

"Johnny?" She asked cautiously, standing and making her way to the older boy.

"They're in trouble." Her body went cold. "They need backup."

"I'm going, you guys are all injured and need to stay here. Give me 5 minutes and I'll have them out." She said with a firm nod.

He didn't even have a second to stop her as she pulled her gun from her holster and sprinted towards the building.

She burst through the remains of the door, seeing dead bodies covering the ground as blood pooled at her feet. Silence filled the entrance as she clutched onto her gun and looked around, listening for any indication of where the boys were.

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