Chapter 34 | "take it easy"

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"Do you really think this will work?" Minji asked hopefully as she stepped onto the floor with Sungchan.

"It makes a lot of sense to me." He said with a shrug. "I mean, you're genius best friend thought of it."

She laughed as they walked to the middle, Jaemin, Jeno, and Taeyong waiting for them with the rest of the gang gathered around the outside of the fighting ring.

"Is this familiar, Minji?" Taeyong asked with a smirk as the four younger members lined up in front of him.

She smiled back, nodding her head as she looked at Sungchan on her left and Jaemin and Jeno to her right. It was the same way they'd trained together under Taeyong for almost 15 years.

"Good. Remember, Jeno, Jaemin, and Sungchan are just here as a safety net to make sure you're okay. We figure they're the ones you're the most comfortable training with, and they know your fighting style better than anyone else." Taeyong explained.

"Sounds good to me, what's first?" She asked.

"Just want to make sure you remember your skills so that we know how much we can throw at you."

Taeyong signaled Jaemin with a nod. He quickly passed her a set of knives as she turned to face one of their targets. The older boy gave her an encouraging nod and stepped back.

She closed her eyes for a moment, allowing herself to focus on the comforting weight of the knife in her hand, her grip molding to the weapon as if it was part of her.

When she opened her eyes, they were clear. They were focused and relaxed. The eyes of a killer.

With a breath she drew her arm back and launched the blade. It flew through the air and buried into the target. Around the room, the boys shared an impressed look, glad to see her back in her element.

She quickly grabbed another knife. Then another. And another.

One by one the blades flew through the air, piling up in the center with a satisfying thump until there were none left.

"Well, that answers the question about if you remember your training..." Taeyong chuckled as he walked over. "Nice job."

"Thanks." She replied with a smile. "If Taeil is right and I only lost the memory of the last year or so, my training should be about the same."

"Good to know we haven't lost our training buddy." Sungchan said with a smile as he walked over with Jaemin and Jeno. "Welcome back, little assassin."

"Thanks, idiots." She joked back, the rest of the gang smiling at her. "So what's next?"

"Well, let's try to see if we can get you to remember someone else." Taeyong suggested, beckoning Kun down.

"Sounds good... how do we do that?" She asked, looking at the two older boys.


"Maybe have her try throwing knives at him? Her aim is still spot on." Sungchan suggested, looking at Kun.

The older boy nodded, passing Minji a knife.

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