Chapter 31 | "stay strong"

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It was like a bucket of cold water was dumped over the guys, all of their smiles instantly dropping to disbelieving frowns as they stared at the small girl.

"W-what?" Haechan stuttered out. "You don't know who I am?"

Her eyes softened as she heard his voice break. She stared at him closely, and he watched as she desperately racked her mind for any memory of him, but she simply shook her head.

"I-I'm sorry but... no."

Haechan felt his world crumbling around him and he couldn't stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. After all they'd been through, he'd finally confessed to her and gotten her back... it was all too much for him to handle.

"Minji, no look it's me, Haechan. You know me Minji, you know me." He clutched onto her hands, desperately looking into her eyes for some familiarity or recognition. "You can't forget me."

"Haechan," Taeyong laid a hand on his shoulder. "Wait a moment, you're scaring her."

"No! Please! Please remember!"

"Haechan, please-"

"No, this can't happen! Minji, I love you, you can't forget me!"

Taeyong nodded his head to Yuta and Doyoung who carefully walked over and moved the hysterical boy away from Minji. She was shaking in her place, feeling horribly confused and guilty.

"Hey, it's alright, just relax, we're here to help you." Taeyong spoke calmly as he took Haechan's place in front of Jihae. "Do you know who I am?"

She stared at him, examining his face. As she looked into his eyes, familiarity sparked in the back of her head. It was faint and blurry, but it was there.

"I know you." She whispered under her breath, seeing a shadow of hope in the older boy's eyes. "T-Taeyong? You're Taeyong right?"

She watched as he let out a deep sigh, his eyes closing in relief as his tense shoulders dropped and a grin spread across his face.

"Oh thank god, you haven't forgotten everything." He opened his eyes and turned to look at her again with a kind smile. "What else do you remember about me?"

"You're the leader, right? Of our gang.... I'm the ace in your gang." Taeyong nodded encouragingly as she continued. "You're.... you're 5 years older than me. I've known you since I was 3, you trained me.... I think. A-and you have a sister named Areum."

"Good. Yes that's very good." He said happily.

Now Taeil and Shotaro had come to sit on either side of him, intently staring at her. She fidgeted nervously under their gazes, Taeyong quickly taking notice.

"Don't worry, they're our medics and they're going to help you." He said reassuringly.

She nodded, turning her gaze on the two boys.

"I think remember you," she said to the younger of the two. "You joined the gang late.... you're name is.... Shotaro?" He nodded happily. "But I don't remember you, I'm sorry." She said to Taeil, but he simply shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, Minji, it's going to be just fine. Tell us what else you remember. Anything about yourself or the gang, anything at all." The older boy said softly.

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