Chapter 22: I got you.

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Chapter 22

Ren looked worried. Where we running out on money? He saw my look and smiled. "What did he say? Tell me now." I demanded and huffed. He wrapped me in a hug but I pushed away slightly. I needed to know. " Doc said she would be health in a month or two. She didn't have a microchip so she's ours. She just needs rest and food. Her feet are already done and need shoes if we intend to ride her, Rubber ones not metal. And..." He stoped There was a pause, " What? Spit it out Ren?" I snapped. My eyes and ears where at full attention. He chuckled, Why is he laughing? " And you're so cute when you get fustrated. " He wrapped me in a hug. I sighed and smiled. " There is nothing to worry about Sage. I took care of it, I have the money to toss around." His voice vibrated against my skin. The way he said my name made me smile. We needed more boarders, and we needed the money. You can never be to sure. To bring up my boarding fee we would have to prep up the place and run things more efficiantly. " We still need a income coming in. I think we should remodel some things." I looked up at him in approval. He looked down at me, and smiled. " Whatever you want, I'll follow your lead." He spun me around and kissed my cheek as I giggled and blushed. This was all I ever wanted.

We drove to the store right away. We looked through all the sections of paint and decided on a pale yellow for the barn and white, of course. "That one." I exclaimed with a smile. "Really? You don't think we should go for the classical re-" I cut him off and shook my head. " We are not classical or normal, we are different." That settled that. The concrete had holes in it. I had no idea what is was, Ren did it.... and got it for me. I tried to help. I kind of felt in the way so I focused on painting. I was just finishing up the left side and....Ren decided to scare me and paint my face yellow. I threw my brush at him and it landed on his neck with a solid thunk. It fell into the dirt and I began to uncontrollably giggle. I was loosing my mind. Maybe it was the paint. His face was priceless. He ran at me and scooped me up as I continued to laugh loudly. He carried me to Magic's stall and set me on the floor. I sat on the floor quieted and waited with curiosity of a newborn child. He smiled at me. The dazzling smile of his, got me everytime. He had paint on his forehead and under his blazing blue eyes. Which where oddly bright today, not that that's a bad thing. He took Magic's bridle and slipped it over the arabians small concave head. Magic flickered his ears toward Ren. Ren patted his head, and whispered something to him. Magic snorts in mockery of knowing a secret. I frown at Ren. What was he up to? He brings magic out and the gelding paws the cement in anticipation. Then Ren hands him to me. What did I want with this horse?! He just smiles and walks away. Huh? He comes back with to paint brushes and a can of the pale Easter yellow paint. I stare dumbly at him as he smiles with mischief. He hands me a brush and throws he onto the horse. Then he jumps on. Okay? He pauses, " Ready?" as if i know whats coming next. We walk casually out of the barn. " Hold on and paint when I say." He looks back at me. Magic's Muscles bunch up before I relieze or have a idea of what happening. Let me just tell you, I wasn't ready. Not one second was I ready.

I nudged Magic into a canter some distance from the barn. Now we paint, I thought. I sure hope this works. I held the paint can tighter in my left hand and steered with my dominate right hand. I slowed and turned Magic verticle toward the barn. He, well, we were about to be side -by - side with the barns long side. Hopefully to paint. I'll let Sage go first, Thinking as I handed her the roller and took her brush. "To make it easier." I smiled and chuckled at her scrunched up red face. She was so confused, As was I. What the hell am I thinking. I laughed at myself. All to make a girl happy and painting more fun. Boy, was I crazy. " Okay, So you paint I steer?" I questioned. "What?!" But she dipped her brush anyway. The yellow paint looked nice against her medium toned skin. I took note to buy her a dress in that color. I smiled and she looked at me like I was insane. Maybe I am. Maybe we all are. That's just the way I like it. We took off, A full gallop. Yellow paint sloshed a bit onto Magic's white coat. Hope his owner don't mind. I heard Sage giggle and felt paint drip down my neck. Ha - ha - ha. She was soo funny. As soon as we got close to the barn, Sage stuck her hand out. The roller sputtered paint into the air for a split second, then it began to roll a Lemon Chiffon color onto the blank barn side. Giving it color I glanced over my sholder a nd saw her smile flash. Making me smile in return, she had that effect. We past the barn and I stopped Magic to look at her. " You are one crazy man, Diharen. That's why I am in love with you." And she splattered paint all over my face and clothes. A cute little giggle cracked out of the silence and I just smiled. The plan worked.... for the most part anyway.

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