Chapter 19: Everything's Okay.

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Chapter 19: Everything's Okay.

We stepped into the shower and he embraced me for a second. Water poured down our shoulders and water sweeper over my breast. I shivered at the sudden heat. Ren's black hair fell into his ocean blue eyes. He gazed at me and whispered " I love you." I looked at him and my heart swelled. " I love you too." I hugged him tighter the we both washed up. I was rinsing my hair when the water ran cold. Ren was done and out drying off. " Cold! Holy fuck COLD" I screamed and danced around. My skin was on pins and needles. I turned, soap steaming in my eyes and down my shoulders and twisted the knobs. Oh no. It stayed cold and I washed my hair with lightning speed and hopped out to a chuckling Ren. Jerk! He waved my towel in th air as if to say ' look what I have' and he ran. My jaw dropped to the floor. Oh my god. I'm not running around my house butt naked! I stood there for a sec and a chill gripped me. Okay forget it. And I ran as fast and quietly as I could. Turning the corner my wet hit whipped me in the face. Ouch. I looked around and ran down the hall into the living room. Ren was standing on a cushion of the love seat jumping. In his boxers. With my towel. I lunged at him. He laughed hugged me the tryed to get out of my grip, with the towel. I slipped and landed on my butt on the crappy tile. "Ooooouuuccchhhyyy" I wailed and death stared him. He laughed so hard he was clutching his stomach, tears running down his face. I pouted and sat there. Butt naked. He walked over and scooped me up, wrapping me in the towel. I soaked in his warmth. " Sorry Love." He smiled so dazzlingly. Then he laid kisses down my neck and tossed me onto the bed. Wait we are already in the room? I was already almost dry, not my hair of course. He leaned over me and kissed me all the way down to my belly button. The went lower. Oh lord. I moaned a bit and he slide his tongue between my lips. My legs shot out and wrapped around this neck. My hands went to his hair. He teethed my cilt, tingles spread up my body and heat followed. He opened my legs wide and looked at me with a half smirk. Again? He seemed to ask. Yes, please. I ran my finger down his abs and purred. He was over me in a second. He pants off and naked. He looked at me as he lowered himself again... " Wait!" I screamed. He froze. Muscles rippling in frenzy. I almost wanted to say ' never mind just go.' But I couldn't. " Ren.... Ugh we have the horses, chores, I have to tell you something." I stuttered out. He rolled over and slipped his boxers on. I grabbed the towel and concealed my body. He wasn't gonna wear a condom. Whoa that was close. I took a breath and sat up. He looked at me, cocking his brow.

"Hannahwantstosellusetheranchfor 5,000." I blurted out. His eyebrows flew up. " What did you just say?" I took a breath. " Hannah wants to sell us the ranch for 5,000 dollars." I said slower this time like I was talking to an infant. " Including the land, barn, boarders, and some of her horses. The ones she wants to keep she will pay board for them. She said its a wedding gift." I sighed. Ren waited a few seconds and I began to hyperventilate. He finally responded " We need to offer her at least 10,000. It's a lot of land and it's way worth much more." He smiled. Wait, What? " You mean we can afford that? And the wedding? Are you sure?" I wanted it but I didn't want us to kill our money. Ren nodded. " The boarders pay enough to earn back a small fortune if we do the horses feet ourselves and any none major vet issues. We, meaning you, also have to start offering private lessons and compete more to earn it back. I need to probably get a job." I wanted to scream with joy. I jumped on Ren and kissed him down his neck and passionately on his lips. I squealed too. Then it hit me. " We need to feed the horses!" I hopped up and ran to the kitchen. I flung open the fridge and grabbed two eggs setting them on the counter. I turned on the stove and opened the ugly cabinets grabbing at pan. I began cooking the eggs and Ren came up behind me. I jumped and he pulled me away from the stove. " I gotta cook! Ren stop!" He laughed and said " though it's pretty hot that your cooking naked and I can stare at you backside..." Shit I forgot " I don't want you to burn yourself." I blushed and Ran down the hall into the room. Sliding open my drawer I slipped on some black leggings. Grabbed a sports bra out of the top, and underwear. Putting it on I wrapped the towel on my head after I slide on my plain brown shirt. It had a small pink polo horse in the corner. I dryed my hair with the towel some more and braided my hair to the side. My bangs fell alittle but hey what can ya do? I put on deodorant and the smell of bacon wafted into my room. My mouth began to water. Mmmm. I walked out into the kitchen and grabbed my plate to sit on the couch, Ren settling by me. This was the life, I thought as I but into the little piece of heaven on a plate.

We walked down the steps into the barn together. I pulled on my blue rain boots and Ren put on his black ones. We both split up to duel out the feed. I ran out into the pasture and fed Roxy, and Püerdue. Both were ponies that retired from eventing. Pretty big ponies if you asked me. They were about one hand away from a horse. Both were Dutch warm blood/welsh, and a chestnut color. I watched them munch a minute and went to the next pasture. My red wagon in tow, I heard Swish nicker at me. Swish was a character, his owner found him at a slaughter house and bought him. He was a funky black piebald with gorgeous blue eyes. He was a barrel horse and was very good. He was always getting out of his stall and letting out other horses. I laughed and scooped him feed. He lifted his head and make a monkey sorta sound poking out his lip. His teeth were a appalling sight. Stained brown and long, needing to be floated. I made a reminder to tell Marley, our vet. I scooped Magic his dish and he shook his head as if saying yes. I giggled again. Dork. Ren met me at the barn with a smile plastered on his face. What? I raised my brow in question. " I think someone wants to see you." He handed me a feed bucket. Huh? It was light green. That's my horses bucket. Mine meaning not really mine, well hopefully soon. It was Easters bucket, she was Hannah's buckskin mare but Hannah said she was pretty much mine. I did a lot with her and Poko. Poko more because he was older and already trained. Easter was my project since I came here. She was from a factory for pregnant mares, they use there urine for medicine but keep them in horrid conditions. Her mother passed away after birth and they were going to use her but Hannah offered because it was the least she could do. She was only 1 when I came and Hannah told me to train her. She's 4 now and she is almost bombproof. But she still has that spunk. I love it. She also has these pretty green eyes. I love those too. I smiled taking the bucket and kissing Ren on the cheek. I ran to her stall and she bellowed a whinny to me and snorted. I patted her face and have her the feed. Letting myself into her stall I grabbed a brush from my tack trunk. I brushed her slowly and she nickered and munched. Nudging me occasionally. This was the life. Everything's okay.

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