Chapter 23: Paint Me Perfect

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Ren gave me a goofy smile, his one sided dimple showing all out and making the edges of his eyes crinkle just slightly, in the cutest way. I ran and gave him a hug, just the biggest kind. The one where your arms wrap around his torso, and not his neck, but its okay because its not meant to be perfect.

                        The kind that's out of love, pure love. At that moment I was so glad that this was the man I would spend my whole life with. I shoved my head into his chest and grinned ear to ear as a tear of joy slipped onto his thin grey t-shirt. We stayed like that until we heard a car pull up. I turned around and the barn looked quite hysterical. One large yellow streak of paint across the previously grey colored barn. Little droplets of paint is sliding down the sides. The car pulling up was a small eclipse painted a silver color. Out of it came Hannah, smiling at the three of us. She looked good, her blond hair was brushed out ( which was rare) instead of her usually untamed frizz of wavy curls. Her shirt was tight showing of her fit body from years of stress, and excessive riding. To top it off she had on leather looking leggings. Even Ren raised a brow at her, followed by me scowling and slapping him. His deep chuckle reverberated on my cheek against his chest. She laughed lightly and came over. Her blue eyes shone with joy. " I'm glad you two love birds are going strong." She paused to toss her keys to her other hand. " But... I wanted to know if you both have come to a agreement...about the ranch. " She glanced at me hesitantly with question. I smiled in reassurance. " We have chatted about it.." I paused. She let out a pent up breath " Oh good! Communication is key." she winked at me " How about Ren takes Magic to his stall and, we talk it over at the cafe down the street? I'm starving." She grabbed her stomach. I hadn't even realized it was 1 pm yet... Or that I was also starving, judging by the roar of Ren's stomach; He was too.

I giggled and he smiled again. " Sure, we will be right out. I think we should change.." I pointed at the paint all over us. She just laughed and headed back to her car. Over her shoulder she tossed " I will wait out here, I want to visit Bruno. I brought him some carrots." Bruno was Hannah's first horse, ever. He was a healthy twenty-seven now and going strong. Since she moved here he only comes in from pasture when there is bad weather. He was a beautiful Quarter horse/ Thoroughbred, with a speckled brown coat and bright brown eyes.

Me and Ren took in Magic and talked about how good and happy Hannah looked. I got inside the lounge and ran to the bathroom, Ren chasing after me. I got the sponge and scrubbed the paint off me as Ren kissed and held me from behind. I paused and looked at the two of us in the mirror. We wore paint stained shirts and looked absolutely crazy, but so perfect. I teared up a bit and wiped it away quickly. Not the time to cry like a baby now. I smiled when Ren gave me a funny look and finished up. He kissed my cheek and swatted me out, grabbing his own rag. I went and bulldosed through my closet, looking for something cute, I couldn't let Hannah look hotter than me! I giggled at myself and how jealous I sounded. I grabbed a pair of leggings of my own that had Indian print with multiple colors. I snagged a tight white shirt and slipped it on. To complete the outfit I let my loose curls fall out of my bun and zipped up my boots as Ren came out with the same painted clothes on. I sprayed my light scented perfume called 'Tease'. 

" At least change the shirt Ren." I lifted my shirt to apply deodorant and he switched the shirt to a black one. I shook my head. Boys, they drive me insane.

We ran downstairs and thru the barn, our hands interlocked, Smiles plastered on our faces.I hoped that everyone would have a love like this. A love that never died and a life that figured itself out, even in the rockiest of times. I knew this paradise wouldn't last forever. Maybe it would. I just knew that, for once in my life I had made the right choice.

I was happy, with the one I love , and conquering the dream I always wanted with him.


To all my Fabulous Readers:

I hope you enjoyed my book! Sadly this is the last chapter, BUT I will be making a second. Did anyone forget about the horse? I bet you did! Plus Ren and Sage are not married just yet! Lets not forget about what future has in store for them.


I will let everyone know as soon as i have the second book up. I don't know what the name it but would love suggestions! comment and tell me some!

~ O

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