Chapter 9: Second Chances

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Chapter 9: Second Chances

Recap: Ryan held on an pulled on my reins as I dragged him I began to slow down but I was still at a gallop. That's when my leg had a sharp pain and a loud crack. Next thing I knew I was sinking into the dirt, and men were running toward me. I looked over as Ryan crawled toward me clutching his leg. He layed his head on my shoulder and whispered, " I'm so sorry girl, soo sorry."

Summer Storm P.O.V still: I was in so much pain. I couldn't feel my front left leg, it felt like jelly. Ryan still layed beside me and refused to leave my side. The grumpy man was discussing something with another man. That man then came toward me with a sharp needle. I began to try to get up and run, but failed. My movement got Ryan's attention and he saw the needle. " NOO!" he bellowed out at the man. "stop wait! Mr. Parker I will buy her from you. Any price, just don't put her down please!" Ryan pleaded. " boy this horse isn't worth nothing now, may not even be able to pleasure ride any more." the guy who was now Mr. Parker stated. " please I'm begging you, I'll pay anything" Ryan said quietly. " fine fine take 'er then you can have her for only $500 ok?" said Mr. Parker." thank you sir" Ryan exclaimed. A man came toward me with a smaller needle an poked it into my neck. Five minutes later I felt relieve from the pain, and was being loaded into a trailer, with a bunch of men and some sort of brace on my leg. Ryan was gone, an I missed him dearly. For the first time in my life I was growing attached to a human. I was brought into a small white room and layed down on a rectangular white thing. A bright light was pointed at my eyes and a needle was insterted into my leg. They put a plastic thing in my mouth and over my nose. After that I was out like a light. I don't remember anything except waking up and thinking I was still galloping around that dirt track. Men surrounded me and held down my legs. My mind kept sayong 'RUN', so I did untill I came back to my senses. Ryan was at my side cooing in my ear and rubbing my neck. We were in a bright white room with lots of men holding me down. I tryed to stand but my leg felt wieghted and I limped to the horse trailer. I noticed Ryan had a wheel chair and a big white thing covering his right leg. I stoped dead in my tracks and limped over to him. I felt horriable of what I did to him. I nudged him and he chuckled giving me a carrot. I was bonding with this human, even though I hated to admit it. He did save my life. For that I am grateful. I went into the trailer willingly and we rode to my new home. It was beautiful, breathtaking really. Ryan wheeled beside me as a man lead me to a stall with a big net like thing with lots of strings all around. I was curious as to what it was. it looked scary. I jumped when it moved and made a rustling sound. " It's just the wind girl." Ryan said chuckling. I relaxed at the sound of his voice. The man asked me to step into the scarey thing. I did then all the buckles were straped to a ring. Three men came over and began pulling the thick rope. Slowley I was risen off the ground a couple inches. I felt the pain in my leg subside as the wieght of me was gone. The men left and ryan talked to me about his life for hours, I nickered every once n a while to show him I was listening. Life was good for once.


Well I wont be updating for a while, I have my high school orientation tomarrow and Im a little nervous for my first year in high school..... I just hope it goes well:) Thanks everyone! ohhh yeah Thank You- horses5, KiaraTheWriter, hunterwahus, gerxmany, iansomerhalderfan for FOLLWING:) Thank you guys sooo much!!!! Everyone check them out:):):)


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