Chapter 10: Heartbroken to Heaven

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I know its been a while so I made this update long. Hope you like it, oh yeah and I really need comments and votes, Badley. So if you could vote and comment that would be great:)

Sage's P.O.V:

Recap: " my boss called and it didn't sound good so we will have to leave the saddles here and ride bare back to the barn." I said trying to stay calm. A bunch of we scenarios were going on in my head- Did I feed a horse the wrong feed and they collicled? Did I forget to shut a stall door and a horse got out and injured? I was at a full gallop toward the barn with Ren and Poko trailing along behind. When I got to the barn I was not prepared for what I saw....

The scene on front of me knocked all my breath out of me, I could feel Ren's anger and sadness. Satha, Ren's mother, had found us. "Ren, You lied to me, your with that american girl again!" Satha exclaimed with her indian accent. I looked at Ren and he was shaking with anger. " I'm 18 mother I can see who I want! You don't own me!" Ren shouted so loud it made me flinch. " When you live under my roof you are forbidden to see her! now come lets go." Satha said and eyed me, daring me to object. I looked at Hannah with pleading eye's. Hannah showed pity in her eyes, but said nothing, it was none of her business. I dismounted Magic and walked him over to the cross ties. I was heartbroken, she was taking Ren from me. Then Ren said something that made me love him even more. " I am not going to live under your roof then mother, I have a wife to care for, So, you either support me or leave me the hell alone!" Ren said in a commanding voice. Satha ignored his whole statement except for one little detail. " Who is this wife you speak of? Ren please tell me you didnt...." She looked heartbroken, for once in my life I felt bad for her. I decided to speak up " I'm his wife." I said in the most dominate voice I could muster. Satha just nodded her head and started toward her car. " get you things out of my house by tomarrow" she threw over her sholder at Ren. I looked at Ren and he looked stund. How could his mom say that? I walked over to Ren and i patted his knee gaining his attention. " Do you need a minute?" He nodded his lips forming into a strait line. "Ok" I said in a soft tone. He jumped off of poko and walked stiffly toward the woods. " He can stay with you." Hannah said. I didnt get what she was saying. "Mam?" I said. " Ren, I trust him dearly, and I trust you so, he can stay in the loft with you." Hannnah explained. After a second it clicked. " ohh thank you so much Hannah! It means alot!" I said showing my greatfulness in my voice. I went to hug her but she stopped me. " There is more." More? Oh lord hannah didnt need to do this for me." I want to sell the ranch to the two of you. That is if you want it." Now i was the stunned one. " wha - How much do you want for it?" I questioned thinking it would be alot. " 5,000 including some horses, the others I will keep and pay board, all the boarders, and all the land. I cant keep up with it anymore. Consider it a marrage, and engadement present all in one." She smiled. Oh My God this was my dream, in the mist of this mess there is a light! I was overly excited. But how would we afford all the horses? Hannah owned 5, and the other 10 were boarders. " I would love to just tell you yes right now, but I have to talk to Ren and see if we could even afford the costs. But I will think about it. Thank you hannah, so very much for everything though.

Ren's P.O.V.

Recap: She was already trotting toward the barn when I mounted Poko. I was worried about her, and her career, she's fought for it all and it would send her over the edge to lose it all now. Snapping out of my thought I pushed Poko into a gallop to keep up with Sage and Magic. She was going dangerously fast with no saddle or stirrups. Sage got to the barn right before me and I could see her body go stiff at the sight before her. When I rounded the corner to see what it was I was taken aback, and anger and sadness overtook me...

I saw my mother and I literally wanted to shi* myself. How in the hell did she find us? "Ren, You lied to me, your with that american girl again!" my mom said obviously angry. What she said just pissed me off. I wanted to slap her. I was 18! " I'm 18 mother I can see who I want! You don't own me!" I shouted making Sage flinch i immediately regretted yelling in front of her. " When you live under my roof you are forbidden to see her! now come lets go." my mom stated simply, Like I would let her win. I saw her send a daring look toward my beautiful Sage sending Sage ducking under Magic's neck for cover. She was so fragile. Sage dismounted and tied Magic to cross ties. I could see in her eyes she thought I was going to give up and just go with my mom. Well she was wrong. " I am not going to live under your roof then mother, I have a wife to care for, So, you either support me or leave me the hell alone!" i said in the most mean voice I could muster. I just wanted her to go away. I loved my mom I just didn't love the way she was acting right now. " Who is this wife you speak of? Ren please tell me you didn't...." my mo looked at me in sadness and betrayal. Then Sage surprised me. " I'm his wife." Sage spoke in a confident voice. My mother just nodded her head " get you things out of my house by tomarrow" she threw over her sholder at me as she walked to her car. Wow. What a great mom huh? I was surprised she didnt even really fight over me. And what she said? That hurt me deep. She was my mom for crying out loud! Sage's hand on my knee brought me back to earth. " Do you need a minute?" She asked softly. I nodded and hopped off of Poko and walked toward the woods. My mind was racng and I needed to punch something. How could this happen? I did gain my one true love Sage, but I lost my mother and my father along with it. I was begining, for the first time in my life, to wonder if it was really worth it.

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So do you think Ren will stick around? Comment and tell me what you think. Thank you porteri201, and Inadartmoordaze for following!! VOTE! COMMENT!! FAN!

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