Chapter 14: Danger is everywhere

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Sorry for the long wait:( unedited

Chapter 14

Recap: There was no trail, no dirt lines were the horses and people had worn down the land. Panic set in. "Oh shit." I thought just as two hands grabbed me and ruffley pulled me backwards.

I landed on a rock hard chest and a warm body. I instantly relaxed when I smelt the musky sent and pine. ' Ren, are you ok? I was looking for you.' I whispered not completely sure why I was doing so. 'Im fine, my love. Now let's go home I'm hungry. ' he stated. We walked back hand N' hand to the ranch. All the while my mind was racing on how to ask Ren about the ranch offer.

Rens Recap: I wouldn't leave my room, I gained alot of weight eating ice cream, I quit my job and slept all day cause I could at least see her in my dreams. So, with my mind racing I made my way back to the stables. It was getting dark an I was hungry. Plus sage would be worried.

I saw sage wondering through the woods and suddenly needed to hold her close to me. I grabbed her sides gently and felt her panic. Pulling her into my chest, she relaxed. I breathed in her sent. I grabbed her hand as she talked, ' Ren, are you ok? I was looking for you.' I barely heard her, But felt bad instantly about abruptly leaving her earlier. I was just so mad. I didn't want her to see me like that. 'Im fine, my love. Now let's go home I'm hungry. ' I said trying to hide my emotions. As we got closer to the ranch Sage began to get nervous and distant. Attempting to lighten her mood I asked ' you want me to make some Thai Chicken tonight?' Knowing it was her favorite food. ' That would be fantastic' she said all glittery eyed. That surprised me. ' oh, o-ok.' I smiled. ' thanks babe ill just check on the horses take a few out and be right up. 0k?' I nodded. She pecked me on the cheek and walked away. I stared at her for some time to unroll the door an she disappeared into a stall. I made my way upstairs to the door I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. I yellow note fell from the door. I picked it up and read- ' Ren, my dearest son. My only son, I will always love you but this girl is not welcome to the family.' I wanted to stop there and crush the paper but I read on. ' I want you to be happy, but she can not provide for you as you do her. I want you to leave our lives or leave her. I am so very sorry, but it has to happen. Goodbye, mom'

I crumpled the paper and went inside the barn loft we called home I washed my hands and began making the chicken. It had been 30 minutes and Sage had yet to call me or come in. I set the chicken on the stove to cool and went down stairs to the barn. I checked all the stalls and Poko, her favorite horse was gone. I began to worry. I walked out of the barn and saw a figure in the arena. I walked to the arena quietly. She was riding bareback with just a thin rope around Poko's neck. I wanted to tell her to get a bridle at least but I stayed put. The way her and Poko moved together as one was memorizing. It made me love her more. Suddenly my heart stopped. Sage was closing her eyes and enjoying the ride, by Poko was heading for a very very high jump.

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