Chapter 7: Broken Horse

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Summer Storms P.O.V

 Recap:  He just smiled and said " good boy." I pinned my ears at that because i was a girl! He put me in the stall, and took some old hay from another stall and gave it to me. I was still starving after the hay, and my stall was full of urine and feces. I fell asleep to two men standing outside my stall whispering in the dark. I was awaken to a man entering my stall. I shuffled to the corner to get away from him. He clipped my rope on and pulled me but i wouldn't budge. This man smelled strongly of beer. I saw that the stall door was open enough for me to get out, so i ran as fast as i could out the stall door. I went down the long isle and out into a field. I was soo hungry i began to scarf down the grass the men were approaching me but when they got close i ran away to the side sooner or later i was cornered and the man grabbed my rope and pulled me and when i would'nt move he whipped me. I was loaded into a trailer in the middle of the night. I was stuck in the cold metal trailer for at least an hour. When we stopped a man came in just to look at me then said to the beer man" I'll give ya 2k but no more."  " Yea Yea  that's a deal!" he said excitedly " plus he's already been on the track and green broke" he smiled widely at me then he pricked me with something and i was tired instantly. I was loaded into another trailer then i was being driven off into oblivion.

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I woke up to a man opening the trailer, He was dressed in bright colors and looked like a clown. He came at me quickly, so i pinned my ears but he paid no mind to me. He clipped the lead rope to my halter and I was jerked down the metal ramp. The clown kept jerking my head around, so i put on my brakes. " Oh sorry boy, Its just been a long day." the clown said dragging out the word long. I felt like I could trust this guy but I didn't want to be betrayed again. I walked along with him and he walked me into a nice large stall. It had lots of hay in it and I instantly scarfed it down. Forgetting the clown was there he spoke and I jumped. " You sure are skinny for a racehorse, I'll get you some feed." He mumbled. FOOD! I jerked my head up at the sound of the word. He chuckled as he exited the stall. I heard the distant sound of horses nickering and munching on hay. I liked this place already, It was big and the clown was nice. The clown came down the isle and into my stall, I rushed forward at the smell of warm oats. I inhaled the crunchy goodness. It filled my empty stomach and warmed my insides. The man leaned into me and whispered into my ear." I think we are going to be great friends. Whatcha think of the name 'Wild Girl'? I lifted my head, Wild Girl? I guess it could work. But I will always remember my real name: Summer Storm. He laughed and said " Wild Girl it is, I'll go tell the boss." He left my stall with the lingering smell of oats. An hour later I was fast asleep but was awoken to the sound of screaming. Well, not screaming like a girl but men yelling. " I was going to name here Silver Streak! You idiot!" a grumpy man exclaimed.  " Boss I think we should do something original, like Wild Girl , because she's wild." the clown said. "Your my Jockey an she is going to be Silver Streak, whether you agree or not! Now Ryan get that horse on the track! said the man " Yes Sir." Ryan said in return. Ryan then threw some hay in a bucket and put it in the isle. I stuck my head over the stall and greeted my new friend. " hey girl" Ryan said in a overly happy voice and gave me a carrot. I nodded my head in return. He just laughed and came into my stall with a lead rope. Ryan clipped it onto my halter and I got excited to get out. I rushed toward the door but did'nt make it because Ryan put his breaks on pulling me back. He was small but very strong.When I waited for him he slacked on his pull and put me on cross ties in the isle. I began to get nervous and kept shuffling my feet. Ryan just whispered to me and rubbed my neck in circles, soon I relaxed and leaned into him. "good Girl" he stated and moved the hay into my line of vision. I reached my head down and began to munch on it. He brushed me down thoroughly and I felt fresh and clean when he was done. He then let me smell this silky, white thing that he then placed on my back. I did'nt mind the cloth like thing because it was light. Ryan then slung a heavy saddle on me, I walked forward nervously remembering the mean man before. As Ryan put a girth on me and it became tight around my belly, I cried out not understanding, and reared. The two cross ties broke and I galloped down the isle my feet slapping loudly on the cement. Men dodged out of my way as I headed toward the sweet smell of grass. I made it to the grass and ate some of it, It was'nt long before Ryan came up to me. He grabbed my lead rope and began to talk to me and walk toward the barn. " You scared me to death girl! And you could have hurt someone....Or cost me my job and your career." he said sadly. Ryan stopped right before the barn and looked me in the eye," Promise me you'll be good, or at least try to be. If you be good then I....I'll give you some warm oats when were done ok?" I nudged him and he walked on into the barn I was put on the cross ties again and Ryan struggled to put the bit in my mouth because I flung my head up. Ryan then lead me out to the big dirt circle again. The grumpy man approached us. Ryan fiddled nervously. " Do a warm up lap then, Let her loose. Lets see what she's got." he said in a very dominating tone. " ok" Ryan put one foot in the stirrup and I side stepped. He stopped and pull my ear toward him. " Member our agreement....Oats for a good girl." He whispered  I flung my head up and he grinned wickedly at me. Standing still for him was harder than I thought. Once he was on my back he pulled in my mouth and kicked my sides. No matter how much I wanted to buck I did'nt. Ryan kicked me into a canter and we stayed at the nice slow canter for a lap around the circle. It felt good to stretch my legs. After a lap Ryan asked me for a gallop and I gave it to him. I loved galloping but it was harder with a person on my back. Ryan asked me for more but I didn't understand. I was already at a gallop... what more can I do, That's when I received a slap that stung on my hind end. I ran faster and faster to get away from the evil stick. From there it all went downhill. I was running soo fast as we approached the turn Ryan pulled on my mouth and that irritated me further. I ran to fast around the curve and Ryan was falling I was terrified of what I did and wanted to run away from it all. Ryan held on an pulled on my reins as I dragged him I began to slow down but I was still at a gallop. That's when my leg had a sharp pain and a loud crack. Next thing I knew I was sinking into the dirt, and men were running toward me. I looked over as Ryan crawled toward me clutching his leg. He layed his head on my shoulder and whispered, " I'm so sorry girl, soo sorry."  

COMMENT!!! did u guys like this chapter?? i know it was sad but every book has its sad point. Ideas on what might happen are needed:)

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