Chapter 3: Taken From Home

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ok guys just want to clear some thing up that might be confusing you, Summer Storm is the horses name in this book but all of her herd members call her Stormy Girl for short. Well really thats it, oh and i was going to download pictures but.....well i tried it and completely messed it up so.....yeah sorry but what you can do is google the names of the characters i chose and see what they look like or just let your imagination roll. So thanks for reading! I also want to thank BrokenxSmile,ConstantDreamer2, an horsesareamazing12 For following:) I have looked at some of there books and am reading some too:) Go check them out!!


Chapter 3: Summer Storm's P.O.V

Recap: The monsters took out something shiny and it made a clicking sound, like the cracking of a bone after lying down to long. The monster pointed it at Nala's head and next thing i know there is a loud ' POP ' and the smell of blood in the air.

Nala's body went limp and I knew she was gone. I felt bad for not telling Nala the truth about her leg. She had always been truthful with me and was like a second mother. I quite feeling pitiful for myself because Nala was gone and there's nothing I could do to bring her back. As I trotted away I decided to go toward the out side of the gated circle around us. I was looking for a way out. I wanted out of this hell hole. One of the monsters opened the gate I galloped as fast as I could toward the opening, but with my luck the man closed it before I got there. Jerk. "haha well she's feisty now!" he taunted. I instantly hated him. I began to paw at the metal prison bars." you know what, How much for her?" he said pointing to me. The one female monster stuck her hand out making me flinch, but it had something sweet-smelling in it. " umm... I don't know if we're selling her." she spoke slowly. I think this was the only monster I liked, but I still did'nt trust her. "Let me talk to Tony and find out..." she wondered off. I followed her looking for more sweet treats, and she laughed at me. she went up to this Tony guy. " Umm... Tony are we selling the grey mare?" She asked softly. " Who wants to buy her?" Tony replied in a husky voice. " Jim over there..." She said awkwardly an pointed to the other monster on the fence. " I dont trust him though Tony, especially with the grey mare." She shuttered at the thought. "Well Cassy we cant keep all the rare ones, an I'll let you check out his home to see if its suitable. But since she's a grey mare, you can't sell her no lower than 4,000 ok?" Tony replied " Fine" was all she said. Cassey hhmmm? That's what the ladies name was. My thoughts were interrupted by a prickly thing going into my skin on my neck. It hurt but soon I became drowsy and all I remember was being shut into a dark metal object , and being throw around as it began to move. When I woke up I was in a wooden box-like thing with wood chips, water and some hay. I poked my head through a hole in the wall an saw Cassy talking to the guy who just bought me. She saw me an started talking to me. " hey girl you be good ok and make me proud! Your going to love it here" she stated. Easy enough for her to say, she's not the one stuck in a box, or with a weird man for the rest of your life.


Ok sorry guys this chapter was very short but iv been very busy and haven't had much time:( This is just a filler. Comment! Vote! Thanks everyone:) I will try to upload as soon as possible:)

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