Chapter 16: Sudden Aching for You

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WARNING: There is a sorta sexual scene here, if you want just skip this chapter. Thank you.

I just want to say sorry for having to put this on hold again, I just sort of lost interest in it. But my readers didn't and I'm glad for that. Thanks you guys.

Ok not edited, but it is a good chapter if I do say so myself:) I'm quite proud of it. Let me know what you all think! Here we go......

Chapter 16

I headed toward the jump, I opened my eyes and we were almost there, his muscles bunched up under my behind. I felt his back foot hit the ground for the last time, and Poko stretched his body out. We were soaring. My hair flew out of my face and my thighs gripped around Poko's barrel. I grabbed his mane and threw myself forward with him. We landed seconds after and I righted my seat on his back. I let out a sigh of content. I needed that. Poko slowed to a trot and I walked him over to the beautiful man I call mine. Ren. He was my everything, other than riding and horses, well okay he came first. I couldn't life without him. I could live without horses, I could function but not live. He looked scared, so I furrowed my eyebrows at him. What was wrong? As I walked up to him he smiled. " That scared the hell out of me but that.." He pointed to the jump " Was amazing." He stated. I jumped off of Poko, hooking my arm in Rens and smiling my face off. Poko followed me closely and I walked into the pasture, he turned and faced me. I patted his chest and gave him a carrot. " Good boy." I muttered as I stroked his face and he munched softly. I let go of Ren and latched the gate. Poko stood there just dozing off. I laughed and Ren grabbed my hips. I leaned into him and relaxed. His heart fluttered on my back. My heart was humming. I could have fallen asleep. Suddenly Ren went tense and spun me to face him. I looked at him questioningly " Dinner." He whispered into my ear. I shivered as his hot breath hit my bare skin. He trailed kissed across my jaw and grabbed my hands. As I was dragged up the barn stairs I huffed from exhaustion. I really just wanted Ren. But I'd have to wait, dinner had to be first. Such a shame.


So you all like it? Comment And tell ME! ☺ Thanks everyone. I have a new book on werewolfs so check it out. Anyway, we should continue or you all will be mad.


Dinner flew by quickly. The Thai chicken was cold but amazing. I warmed mine up in the small standard microwave in our plain old tiny kitchen. We were going to need more room soon. Me and Ren kept bumping each other when trying to clean the dishes and I scraped my arm on the edge. Ren left to grab the peroxide and the ointment. I sighed and glanced around my tiny loft. I was ready to upgrade. The counters where fake. Peeling and cracking, showing the wood underneath. The cabinets are old cherry wood and had a film over them, no matter how hard I scrubbed them with anything. The floor was carpet that was severely dirt on a daily basis because, come on, we lived on a ranch and my ' little home' was right above it. I put my head in my hands. I know I should be grateful. I was, it's just.... I needed a proper home. It's was so small, even for one person. Let alone two. Me and Ren were going to get married in about a year. We needed a home. For future hopes and dreams. I am almost 21 now and want a home. I lifted my head and sucked up my worries when I heard Ren in my 2 foot across, dinky hallway. " All you had was some ointment and a band aide.... What's wrong love? Did you really hurt it? Are you okay?" He rushed over to me quickly still holding the objects. He looked quite hilarious, he had this horrified look on his face. He had ointment in one hand and band aides in the other, he held them up slightly and was rushing toward me. I couldn't help it. All my worries dropped at the drop of a hat and I burst into a giggle fit. The came in waves and Ren just stared at me, stopped and still holding the objects. At that point I died laughing. I was long gone. Ren put the stuff down and chuckled at me. I ran to him in the midst of my giggles and jumped into his arms. He was laughing now too but lightly. He snuggled his face into the crook of my neck and I wrapped my legs tightly around his tones torso, letting the last of my giggles slip out. I stopped and just tried to catch my breath. In, out, in, out. My chest rose and fell. Believe it or not laughing was exhausting. Seriously. I snuggled up with him and he carried us to the couch. He sat down and I lifted my eyes to his beautiful blue ones. I felt a small pressure between my legs on my entrance and let out a small moan. I knew he was aroused. He leaned in to kiss me, and our lips crushed, instantly we began to move in sync. I rubbed my body up against his and he pulled me closer, trailing kisses on my neck that made me shiver with lust. I parted my lips to moan and he captured my lips in his warm ones. He moved his hands up my sides and cupped my breast, squeezing lightly. I moaned and he tugged at my bottom lip for entrance. I denied it and smiled against his pouting lips. He tugged at my shirt and I nodded. " Are you sure?" He whispered. I thought for a moment and nodded. I was sure, I and I'm sure he has waited long time for this. Now we were engaged, of course he was someone I trusted. He smiled and jumped up from the couch. I had let go of him while I was sitting on him and was flung from him but he grabbed my hips at the last second. I was inched from the floor, I latched onto his torso like an infant child. He chuckled and rushed to the room. The tiny room. One bed sat in the corner, a queen size, and a small dresser in the other. Nothing else. It wasn't the most romantic. But so far it was home. Ren flipped us to were I was facing him and plopped onto the mattress. I was on top. That was surprising. He grabbed my shirt and slipped his fingers under it, making small circles as he went up. I was about to moan again, but was side tracked when Ren fingered my bra, then took my thin t-shirt and ripped it completely off. Down the middle. It was flung and Ren instantly flipped me to the bottom quickly . I was shocked. Ren was usually gentle and shy, with my body. But I liked his rougher side. My blue Zebra stripped bra showed in all it's glory and I blushed at my choice. I had just thrown something on this morning without a care. He admired my body for a second and muttered " Stunning" in a husky voice. He then proceeded to layer kissed all over. My collarbone, neck, cheek, between my breast, down my stomach and on my pant line. I was hyperventilating. I moaned excessively. " Ren, you are wearing to much." I whispered. His eyes locked on mine and I knew I had unleashed an animal. A dangerous one.

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