Chapter 1: Changes In The Wind

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This chapter goes off of the prologue of Summer Storm! Hope you guys like it!!

Summer Storms P.O.V

2 Years Later........

I woke up just in time to see the sun set. The sky was red, yellow, purple, and deep blue all smooshed together in the early morning sky. I looked around to see all my herd members still asleep, and dew droplets on the lush grass. I have grown close to my herd members but am not yet ready to love them as family. Im still scared they will be torn from me like my mother was. I walked down the hill to the river and sipped the water to soothe my dry throat, it was cool and refreshing. Nala, a bay pinto who had been caring for me since my mother died walked up behind me, Startling me. My head snapped up and my ears swiveled in her direction. She nickered to me softly and nudged me in reassurance. "Chill out Stormy girl! You don't have to be so alert, and anxious all the time!" She joked, trying to help me relax. "You just scared me that's all." I nickered trying, not to be snappy with her. If only she knew what it was like to despise wolves and to see your mother get killed by one right before your eyes, I thought to myself. "Heard you killed a wolf yesterday 'cause it was about to pounce on one of Katara's foals." Nala said interrupting my thoughts. Katara was the most desired mare in the herd, for her coat and build, of course. She was mostly white with about four small black spots, which was rare in the wild. That was what made all the stallions jump on her, really, I have the rarest coat of all ( i am a grey & dappled,with a white face, and blue eyes with steel flecks) But, I stayed away from stallions in fear of falling in love. "Well I was going to say thanks for that stormy girl, we need all the foals we can get in this herd." she added, knowing I would'nt reply she walked off into the herd. I stood there for some time just looking out into the field, just enjoying the view. Then I got the need to gallop a little, so I went a safe distance away, careful not to wake the rest of the herd and galloped across the wild and well grown grass when I made it to the edge of the forest I slowed to a trot. I slowed to a walk and looked back at the herd, they looked like little ants from here. Most of them solid brown and some paints. I decided to canter back to improve my stamina, but before I was about to start I heard a loud beating sound coming from the sky above me. The thing making the sound was black and round, kind of looking like a tadpole in the big blue ocean of a sky with weird spiky spinning things above it. Whatever it was it hurt my ears and was heading for my herd, it traveled quickly and I could hear all the forest animals hiding from it. Wind swirled all around me and the leaves were ripped from the tree's. The herd scattered away like birds from the scary object, leaving me behind. I galloped as fast as I could toward them. I cant loose every thing i'v ever know to this....this, THING!  I thought to myself I passed under the thing and bellowed out to Nala, she returned the call and I headed toward her. I was beginning to get nervous. As I got up to Nala her whites of her eyes were showing, in turn making me more nervous. Keep it together Storm, you are fearless!  I thought trying to encourage myself. The whole herd was pushed down the hill, were there were these little and tall skinny things with tan skin and colorful cloth on themselves. They came from all sides with metal bars. I reared and ran out of the circle, I was halfway to the forest when a rough thing wrapped around my neck pulling me down and on to the ground, hard. I just lie there trying to get my breath, the fall knocked the wind out of me. "You idiot! you probably hurt her!" I heard a female things voice say. " Owe she'll be fine, just shocked 'er that's all" a male voice replayed with a bit of disrespect in his voice. I pushed myself of the ground quickly and tried to get my barrings. Once I did I tried to spring into a gallop again but the, what seemed to be, rope was still around my neck, pulling me back. At that I began to jerk my neck up and down to get rid of the rope, I bucked to. Then I got tired and just stood there. A thing came up beside me and I bolted. What ever you are stay away from me!  I thought tiredly. They pushed me back into the herd were I found Nala and she was lying on the ground, which alerted me 'cause horses dont lie on the ground often. "whats wrong?" I asked "my cannon bone hurts, bad stormy girl." she said with a dull expression on her face. I lowered my neck and smelled her cannon bone- it was shattered I could smell it bleeding from the inside, and it looked deformed. "it'll be ok" I lied "it smells like a bruise, probably just sprained" I lied again All horses know a shattered cannon bone means death, 'cause if you can't walk you can eat or breed and if you can't do that your herd will leave you. I felt bad for her and layed down with her for some time. The monsters ( the things that put us in the gates) is what I decided to call them. They came toward us quickly, I could smell there fear, but wasn't scared of them. Nala flinched when one of them checked her leg and shook his head. " shattered cannon" he mumbled to the other one I could barely hear it so I knew Nala did'nt. They came towards me and I skittered to my feet trotting away. "Bye Nala I want to thank you for taking care of me." I shouted to her. "sure" was all she managed. The monsters took out something shiny and it made a clicking sound, like the cracking of a bone after lying down to long but louder. The monster pointed it at Nala's head and next thing i know there is a loud ' POP ' and the smell of blood in the air.

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