Chapter 4: Didn't see that coming....

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ok updated quickly like promised:) You guys are going to LOVE this chapter:) *grins widely* Yup you will:)

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Chapter 4: Sage's P.O.V.

Recap: "Holy Shit, Ren you scared me!" I whined. He laughed again and carried me down the isle, " Now, why dint we go on that ride, hhhmmm?" he said with a smile on his face, and a twinkle in his amazing cobalt blue eyes.

As Ren gave me a leg up onto magic's back, Ren looked very worried about something. " babe? Whats wrong??" I asked a bit worried myself. "Nothing...everything is fine" He said as he mounted Poko and gave me a stressed smile. Ok whatever Ren... I thought to myself. We walked down the hill behind the barn and made our way down the trail that I loved the most, it was full of trees and a little spring at the end of it. Thinking of it made me smile, that was were me and Ren had our first date. We had a picnic and swam with the horses. It was an awesome first real date. As we came to the middle of the trail Ren started to fiddle with his pocket taking out something square and grey. He saw me staring and smiled shyly. " just my phone" he said showing me his phone. "uuuhhhh" I mumbled not convinced. The rest of the ride was silent, a weird silence the kind you get before a storm. All of a sudden I got a bunch of horrible thoughts of what Ren was planning. What if he breaks up with me? What if he says we can't ever see each other again? What if he says he's cheating and he does'nt love me anymore? I was getting anxious and upset. Ren must of glanced back and saw this on my face, because he then looked worried himself, but did'nt say anything which scared me further. We finally made it to the spring after what seemed like forever. We both dismounted and lead our horses to the water. I looked at him nervously stole a look at Ren, He sent me a reassuring smile but it did'nt help me relax much. He began setting up a little picnic for lunch. I sat down by him and waited for the worst. But then to my surprise he hugged and kissed me. "Nothing bad is going to happen, ok? So relax will ya? This was getting awkward." He stated I let out a pent up breath. " Yeah ok.." I said and gave him a smile. For lunch Ren had made two Jam sandwich's and chips with some fruits. I took a bit out of my sandwich, an man i was in food heaven! It tasted like strawberry, honey, and brown sugar. I closed my eyes and chewed it slowly. I came back to earth and felt a pair of eyes on me. I cracked open one eye to find Ren smiling and staring at me. As if he read my mind he said simply " Thanks I made it myself " By then both my eyes flew open. " you made this.... Yourself??" For the 5 years i'd known Ren he had burned microwaved macaroni, blew up a can of beans, and last time he tried to make breakfast lets just say he killed my kitchen. So how could he make this awesome jam? While i was to busy thinking Ren had went to the bathroom and changed into his swim trunks. Thank goodness my boss, Hannah, had put bathrooms at the end of each trail or I would'nt be down these as often. I finished my sandwich, grabbed my bathing suit, and ran to the bathroom. My bathing suit was blue with green poka-dots, It was a tankinie because I was uncomfortable about showing that much of my body. Once I got into my bathing suit I shoved my clothes into my bag and walked out. Then i heard it, It was a low growl, and at that moment I knew it was Ren. I dropped my bag and ran as fast as I could, Ren hot on my tail. Ren often did this and it was like a chasing game him and all I could do is egg him on. As I was running full speed i tryed to steal a glance behind me, but saw nothing. I slowed to a slow jog and looked around wildly. I looked into the tree's to my left and barely saw his bright blue eyes between two bushes. Ren knew I had saw him, as I went to run the other way Ren was at my side before i could get far. he scooped me up and I burst into a fit of giggles as he walked over to the spring. He looked at me with a mischievous smile on his face. I could feel my eyes widen," don't you dare Ren!" I screamed. I started squirming in his arms trying to escape, that's when he jumped, with me in his arms feet first and me burying my face in his chest, Then he whispered " I'll never let you go". I felt my heart swell at his words. I held my breath and waiting for impact. When we hit the water it was freezing, and water rushed over us, but as he promised he did'nt let me go he swam with me to the surface. I looked at him an smiled and kissed me like he never had before. It was a kiss mixed with lust, love and pure joy. When we were done with our little make - out session Ren pulled out something shiny from his pocket, and set me on the edge of the rock outside the spring. I gasp when I saw what it was....a ring. It was silver with one big green diamond in the middle and three smaller ones on each side. The ring itself was a beautiful forrest green vintage one. I absolutly loved the heart shape it had.  " Sage TrueRain Summers, will you marry me? Because I love you, and if your not ready I'll wait for you because honestly I don't want anyone else." I was crying now, Like literally balling, but without thinking about were we would live, how we would be together, or anything to do with Ren's mom, I said " Yes ". Ren slid the ring on my finger an wrapped me into a warm hug, I whispered to him " Diharen Abhay Shah, You had me at " Hi". He chuckled and pecked me on the cheek.

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