Chapter 13: Miserable

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NOT edited. Sorry.

Recap: Ryan turned around, praised me, and gave me a sweet treat. At that moment a truck came speeding down the drive and the evil man that had bought me in the first place. He rushed up to Ryan and said " Thats my horse, boy!"

The man came into the round pin and I backed up behind Ryan, flattening my ears. " sorry sir but you have no right to barge onto my property like that." Ryan said oh so politely to the tomato faced man. " that's my horse!" was all he said. " do you have papers sir?" Ryan questioned. " no! I lost 'em" he shouted. I jumped in front of Ryan and struck my front hoofs at the man, causing him to stumble backward then trip and land on his bottom."damn horse" he said getting up. The tomato man got up slowly because his size. He dusted off his already dingy shirt as if it were a spiffy suit. I flattened my ears to my head, I hated him already. I didn't remember him but I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Ryan pulled my halter and lead me to the corner. "Thanks girl." Mumbled Ryan and he walked over to the man and they left the round pin. I began munching on grass warily. I nickered into the wind toward the barn, then listened for Ryan's voice but heard nothing. I began to pace. I heard the tomato faced man speed off, but still no Ryan. Ryan finally came and put me out to pasture. I nudged him and nickered. He patted my head softly and sighed. He seemed half hearted. As I munched on the sweet grass, I wondered about my mother. Soon I drifted to sleep, warily but contempt with my home. I dreamed of my father and what he looked like. I wondered were he was, and why he slipped from my life in the first place. When I woke in the morning, I was shaken when i found myself in a stall. Then the smell hit me like a ton of bricks, this was not my stall. This was not Ryan's barn.

I know it was a small update but i just wanted it up. I'm going to try to update more often, but I have to find the time. Oh and I was thinking do you guys think I should start a werewolf book or a romance..... Or something else like mystery? Comment and tell me:)!!! Vote &

comment too!!

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