Chapter 21: Money?

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Chapter 21:Money?

I brought her to the stall Ren had ready and took the oats from him. I put molasas and water to soften it. "Give her a ton of hay first." No need to collac her. I looked at the skinny horse. She was still so pretty. I then became angry at the people who did this to her. How could they? She began munching on the hay. The oats got soggy, I carried the heavy bucket quickly to the tack room. Dropping it into the big microwave we bought last week. It was heavy. I picked up the warm and heavy bucket. Ren rushed to help me but I pushed passed him. " Sage... That is too heavy for you." He sternly took it. He heaved it into her bucket. She flinched. Sniffed it then chowed down. I rubbed my hair out of my face and slouched against the barn wall. Ren came over and wrapped me in a hug. I sighed and embraced the hug. He was warm and comforting. I felt eyes on me and looked up after a chill ran down my spine. It was Shelina, the owner of one of two boarding horses, Dancer and Duces. She paused and opened her mouth but nothing came out. Huh? " Hey, do you want me to get Dancer out?" She nodded and finally found her voice. " Is everything okay?" She asked as I pulled away from Ren recuctantly. " Its a long story. Techniquly that horse is near death, wandered up here and I needed to help it. The vet pulled up. "The guy in there with the blue eyes- Go to him to see the horse." I pointed to Ren, who was hovering over the stall. The vet rushed past. I walked to stall 4 as Shelina strapped her riding boot which are as dark as her skin. I hooked Dancer to the wash rack and pulled the multicolored groom boxes out. I brushed his dark and white patchy fur quickly and picked his hoofs. I patted his side and he snorted giant green boogers everywhere. Thats what got me going, then I couldnt stop. I giggled at the sight. Then Shelina made a funny face of discust and I died laughing. I was so loud, it echoed off the barns wall and made Dancer flinch. I couldnt stop, I clenched my stomach and finished tacking him up...Still laughing my face off. I took one look over at Shelina and she started to crack a smile. "Ahhhhhhahahhahhahahahah" She burst out with me. "Why are-are-rr we he laughing hahahaha?" She slurred out. I shook my head. I didnt know. I could blame it on the boogers, Shelina's twisted face she made, or even when Dancer flinched and looked at me like I was a mad women. Maybe I was. After we laughed together for what seemed like forever, we gathered ourselfs. Shelina thanked me and said she really needed a good laugh, Rode to the arena with Dancer, and I went back into the barn. I petted Duces out in the pasture on the way back. He was old and loveable. He had a grwat career before and now rested up in the pasture. His roan coat made him look younger, he was still really healthy and looked like a young stud. His nose whiskers tickled my arm. He blew his hot breath on me and lifted his head high in alert. I began walking back to the barn and Duces screached out to Dancer. Dancer returned the call. I smiled. Ren came out of the barn with the vet. "Thanks Tom, it really means alot." Ren was saying handing over a check. I cringed and waved to Tom Forcing a smile. I ran to Ren needing to know the news. "What did he say? How much was the -" Ren cut me off with a hug. What the hell? "How much did it cost Ren?" I had assumed the worst option. We had no money. My heart dropped when I looked at Rens face.

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