Chapter 2: Surprise Surprise

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Sage's P.O.V:

I cracked my eyes open and light flooded in. It was a quarter till seven. "Uuuuuggggg!" I howled to no one in particular stretching my body out and in the process falling off my makeshift bed/ hammock....thing. Plopping to the ground I just sat there and tried to wake up. I was sooo tired from the jumping lesson I did with Poko yesterday. Three hours! Three long hours of riding, at the time i didn't complain, because if i could i would ride all day long. In the mornings is when i really felt it though but its worth it to me. I jumped 'cause my alarm snapped me out of my thought and started beeping. I got up, turned it off and began to brush my jet black hair. It was long, almost to my bellybutton 'cause Ren liked it long and begged me not to cut it. I smiled thinking of him, Ren made me happy but his parents refused to let him see me. We met up secretly from time to time but not often enough. I missed him soo much. When i was finished with my hair i pulled it into a low pony tail and when into the bathroom to wash my face. As i wash washing i noticed how cool my eyes were, light blue on the very outer edge then a yellow , like Hay/ grass color then a splash of gold and reddish brown flecks. I admired myself for a minute then was on my way. I sat on my bed while i slipped on my jeans quickly. i pulled on a sports bra and a light blue four finger tank top. I grabbed my water stuffed it in my back. I almost ran out the door but backtracked and went to brush my teeth really quickly.I ran out the door and the sudden light and heat startled me, I stood there letting my eyes adjust. I then took in a deep breath and it smelled of home, jasmine flower, horses, horse crap, and honey. As i walked down the stairs to the main barn two horses whinnied to me, the first one i knew was Poko 'cause he has a high whinny almost sounds like a whistle. I went over to the big baby and petted his soft skin. Poko was a palomino paint, a he was a A-M-A-Z-I-N-G jumper. I walked over to the second horse who had said hello to me, Fire, she's a chestnut that has more of the red color in her coat, which is why i named her that. I'v know her since a foal and helped birth her. She pushed her head up against my hand then liked me down my arm. I laughed and gave her and Poko a carrot. I went into the feed room and pushed the cart out walking down the isle and giving each of the horses a scoop of food i noticed a boy about my age in Captian's stall. He had black hair cut short, and a chiseled body. He was sitting on the ground in the corner, drawling. No one came to the stables until about eight thirty or nine. " hello?" I said. His head jerked up and his cobalt blue eyes pierced mine. There was only one person in this world who had eyes like that. "Ren?" i asked. He smiled instantly showing his beautifully strait teeth."hey, babe i wanted to see you an-"Ren didn't even get to finish before i crushed my mouth onto his he kissed me back slowly getting hungrier. "I love you so much" he whispered sending shivers down my neck. He trailed kisses down my neck to my collar bone and looked at me. "Can i help you feed?" Ren asked simply. "Yeah" I stuttered. Ren laughed and took the wagon down the isle finishing the job and putting the feed away." Does your mom know?" I asked him when he got back. "No. She thinks I'm at a book convention." he gave me a lopsided smile and pecked my cheek. "She hates me so much." I commented and sighed sitting on the ground listening to horses happily grind there food. Ren could'nt disagree " She does, but lets not worry about that today Ok?" he said "ok, lets go ride!" I said with excitement. As I tacked up my horse,( that sadly i didn't own...sigh), Magic a white Arabian, And Ren finished tacking up Poko, I heard a car pull up. I did'nt pay it any mind because it was probably a boarder coming to ride. But then Ren pushed me away from the horses and toward the bathroom. "where are we going??" I said low but panicked. "sssshhhhhh, I'll explain later." he whispered totally calm. I took one look over Ren's broad shoulder and was running and pulling him along. When we got to the bathroom I shut the door quietly and pulled a paper from the desk. I found a sharpie and wrote quickly 'OUT OF ORDER!' then taped it to the door, just before Rens mom rounded the corner. I closed the door and bolted it. Ren's mother came to the door and stopped. I tryed to breath easy which was really hard until Ren grabbed me and crushed me onto his chest, I instantly relaxed. "Hello?" Ren's mother said sweetly. I could feel Ren's muscles stiffen around me. When her footsteps faded, he relaxed and so did i, a little, then we heard a car start up an race out of the drive. He let go of me an peeked out the door, he turned to me with a scared look on his face. "WHAT?" I whispered screamed, afraid his mother had found us. Ren Extended the door but before i could get a good look he had came up behind me and scooped me up making me scream. "The coast is clear." he said laughing at me face and pecking me on the cheek. "Holy Shit, Ren you scared me!" I whined. He laughed again and carried me down the isle, " Now, why don't we go on that ride, hhhmmm?" he said with a smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eyes.

Thank you horseluver664, BreezyandCheer7, Phooka, and ShadowSpinner for following!!! I am truly grateful!! Oh an I think you guys should go check out some of there books allof them write beautifully!!! Well anyway I hope everyone liked this chapter!! VOTE! COMMENT! thanks guys!

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