Chapter 5: Hurt & Stolen

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Ok guys i would like to ask everyone if you want me to do Ren's P.O.V?? COMMENT and tell me if you want me to do this or not!! Other idea's are also welcomed!!!! Now back to the story!!

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Chapter 5: summer storm p.o.v

Recap: My thoughts were interrupted by a prickly thing going into my skin on my neck. It hurt but soon I became drowsy and all I remember was being shut into a dark metal object , and being throw around as it began to move. When I woke up I was in a wooden box-like thing with wood chips, water and some hay. I poked my head through a hole in the wall an saw Cassy talking to the guy who just bought me. She saw me an started talking to me. " hey girl you be good ok and make me proud! Your going to love it here" she stated. Easy enough for her to say, she's not the one stuck in a box, or with a weird man for the rest of your life.

I was left there in that small stall for about 20 minutes an in that time I bucked at the walls until my legs hurt. I also cried out the whole time. I wanted out, my legs were cramping so I started pacing an swinging my head out of boredom. Two men came to my stall with a lead rope, halter and whip. I jumped with joy at the thought of getting out of the boring stall! As they opened the door and stepped inside I pushed toward the door, knocking over one man in the process. I lowered my head to sniff him and apologize but was met with a smack to my nose. I jerked my head up surprised at his actions."Jerk" I thought. I then began to paw in anticipation to get out. It was a bit crowded in the stall with two large men and a horse. Suddenly one man yelled at me to stop. It startled me an scared me with the tone, so I acted on instinct and reared. Both the men rushed out the stall. " good riddens" I said openly. Then I caught the sweet smell of something nice, the man brought it up to the stall in a black bucket. He walked in the stall and gave the sweet food to me. While I ate he rubbed my neck then I felt a small prick which made me jump but the sweet food helped ease it away. The man then left the stall. All he said to the other man was " bout 5 minutes." the other just nodded. After I finished the bucket I felt groogy and everything during that time was sort of a Blurr. A halter, lead rope, trailer, me refusing, being whipped, loud banging, hay, and darkness was all I remembered about that hour about. Next thing I know I was being unloaded, and the light flooded into my vision. The smell of other horses flooded my senses. Dirt. Lots of it. An the men kept saying to other men " grey is fast as lightning!" the others would say things like " how much?" and " green broke you say?" by then I was regaining my vision and memory. When I was no longer groogy I flipped out. But I was already in a stall and the men came in with that bucket again of course I began eating it but when he went to rubbing me neck I pinned my ears an threatens him with my teeth. He jumped back an mumbled something i couldn't hear then he pounced on me, sticking the sharp object in my neck, while trying not to get stopped on for i went nuts. i felt groggy again but not as bad as the first time. i was lead out of my stall and put on two ties to hold me in place the mean men brushed me quickly and put a heavy leather saddle on my back then they came at my face very quickly, and i jerked my head up in response. When i lowered my head they shoved a cool metal bit in my mouth. They then lead me out to a big dirt circle. I wanted to run away so badly but whatever they gave me made me feel.... well lazy. I was soo hungry too. A man got on my back and i buckled. He kicked me in the ribs so i ran as fast as i could around that track. After my temper tantrum every one was coming up to the man on my back and asking " How Much?". I was to tired to fight so i just walked with him on my back. He just smiled and said " good boy." I pinned my ears at that because i was a girl! He put me in the stall, and took some old hay from another stall and gave it to me. I was still starving after the hay, and my stall was full of urine and feces. I fell asleep to two men standing outside my stall whispering in the dark. I was awaken to a man entering my stall. I shuffled to the corner to get away from him. He clipped my rope on and pulled me but i wouldn't budge. This man smelled strongly of beer. I saw that the stall door was open enough for me to get out, so i ran as fast as i could out the stall door. I went down the long isle and out into a field. I was soo hungry i began to scarf down the grass the men were approaching me but when they got close i ran away to the side sooner or later i was cornered and the man grabbed my rope and pulled me and when i would'nt move he whipped me. I was loaded into a trailer in the middle of the night. I was stuck in the cold metal trailer for at least an hour. When we stopped a man came in just to look at me then said to the beer man" I'll give ya 2k but no more." " Yea Yea that's a deal!" he said excitedly " plus he's already been on the track and green broke" he smiled widely at me then he pricked me with something and i was tired instantly. I was loaded into another trailer then i was being drove off into oblivion.


Thank you xKodaBearx for following:) much appreciated

So i'v had some people comment about Ren's P.O.V and i'm going to do it:) I think you guys will like it lots:) So ya know what ta do.... VOTE COMMENT ECT:) thanks for reading.

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