Sage's Prologe

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    Sage's prologue 

  From the beginning of my life I was unwanted. My biological mother was a steak 'n' shake waitress trying to build a life for herself after her first husband left her. She was supposed to be infertile, decided to have a one night stand, and two months later realized my life was beginning.  She knew she was in no position to raise a child, so she gave me up to child services. From there I moved from family to family, living from a suitcase until I was eleven years old. When I was eleven I attended a horse camp and learned how to ride, and fell in love with horses. I collected many pictures and clipped them out of magazines. I was heartbroken when someone told me I couldn't do what my heart loved.  " You just a foster girl and that's all you'll ever be." my foster mother told me. This heartbreak sparked a fire in me that was determined to burn them down and show them they were wrong, also to prove to myself, that I was right. Two years later I was adopted by snobby rich people who only wanted me for my looks. The thought I would make a good child with there son, Ren. Ren was gorgeous no doubt. He was half Indian, was chiseled with a six pack, and had cobalt blue eyes. He treated me good and we grew close after two years together I loved him but longed to be around horses. Ren encouraged me to pursue my dreams of being a show jumper, and took me to shows once a year. I told his parents what I wanted, and they disowned me, and tore Ren away from me. Ren gave me some money so I could live at a hotel and gave me his phone number. I found work at a ranch and was doing what I loved, But now I needed Ren back. We talked and secretly met up occasionally but it was mostly snuggling and tears. I missed him dearly, I was going to get him back & still live my dreams......

So... you guys like it so far? Comment, Vote, Follow whateves! I'm going to download a picture of Ren, Summer Storm and Sage....Soon!

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