Chapter 12: Is This What You Want?

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Hi guys I am really sorry for not updating for a long while but I have had tons of homework and been mixed up with school and riding. So I am so very sorry to all my readers! I didn't edit this very well so I'll just say sorry for that too:( will edit soon. Hope u enjoy...I tried to make it long. Also the ring is sage's! ***

Ren's P.O.V

Ren's recap: . My mother just nodded her head " get you things out of my house by tomarrow" she threw over her sholder at me as she walked to her car. Wow. What a great mom huh? I was surprised she didnt even really fight over me. And what she said? That hurt me deep. She was my mom for crying out loud! Sage's hand on my knee brought me back to earth. " Do you need a minute?" She asked softly. I nodded and hopped off of Poko and walked toward the woods. My mind was racng and I needed to punch something. How could this happen? I did gain my one true love Sage, but I lost my mother and my father along with it. I was begining, for the first time in my life, to wonder if it was really worth it.

Without even noticing my body lead me to me & sages spring while I was lost in my thoughts. All that had happened today came rushing back to me. The perfect proposal, sages face, the happiness I felt when I was around her. When I was with her everything I didn't understand about her or my life just flew out the window. I loved her. Thats when I made my decision on what to do about the whole 'mamma drama' stuff. I couldn't see my life without her. When my mother disowned her, and she moved away, my heart shattered. I wouldn't leave my room, I gained alot of weight eating ice cream, I quit my job and slept all day cause I could at least see her in my dreams. So, with my mind racing I made my way back to the stables. It was getting dark an I was hungry. Plus sage would be worried.

Sages P.O.V

Recap: How much do you want for it?" I questioned thinking it would be alot. " 5,000 including some horses, the others I will keep and pay board, all the boarders, and all the land. I cant keep up with it anymore. Consider it a marrage, and engadement present all in one." She smiled. Oh My God this was my dream, in the mist of this mess there is a light! I was overly excited. But how would we afford all the horses? Hannah owned 5, and the other 10 were boarders. " I would love to just tell you yes right now, but I have to talk to Ren and see if we could even afford the costs. But I will think about it. Thank you hannah, so very much for everything though.

Me and Hannah parted ways an I went over to Poko and magic. I hosed off Poko first then walked him to his stall. I did everything in slow motion. I was avoiding what had just went on, I was trying to keep myself busy and not think or worry about Ren and the fact that it was getting increasingly dark and Ren wasn't back yet. I rinsed magic off quickly, let him loose in the pasture, and went to the feed room. I was about to go feed all the horses for the night but Hannah left me a note. 'all fed. Think about it.' was all she wrote. With that i ran up to my loft/home, grabbed a flashlight and set on my way to find Ren and gather my saddles. I walked down the way Ren had stomped off to. I walked and walked but there was no sign of him. My mind began to spin. Were was he at? Was he ok? I decided to turn around and head toward the trail to the spring to grab the saddles. I turned around only to find myself lost. There was no trail, no dirt lines were the horses and people had worn down the land. Panic set in. Oh shit I thought just as two hands grabbed me and ruffley pulled me backwards.

Dun dun duuunnnn! COMMENT! I need ideas as to what you think is going to happen!! VOTE!! I am really shooting for 100 votes:) one thing I am happy about is the 345 reads!! Whoo! *does really lame happy dance then twirks an fails miserably* haha ok thanks guys sooo much:) hope you liked the chapter:):):):)

-< oreoabo>

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