Chapter 15: The Great Escape

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Ok updated not edited. Sorry. I'm just trying to get them up right now. Thank u everyone for waiting on me, I had this one up but accidentally deleted it:/ sorry. Ill make it longer:)

<Summer storm>

Recap: When I woke in the morning, I was shaken when i found myself in a stall. Then the smell hit me like a ton of bricks, this was not my stall. This was not Ryan's barn.

I panicked. I kicked the walls, the walls! I took one look at them an squealed. BLOOD. Everywhere. It was streaked down the beige boards of the stall. I had to get out of here. I was shaking, my hairs pricked strait up. I breathed heavily and kept kicking. I heard someone shout in the distance. A human... Oh god, where's Ryan? I began to fiddle with the stall latch as best as I could, I used my mouth, teeth, I even reached my hoof up in attempt to knock it a bit. They all failed. The men, I now realized, where coming closer. No! I mustered up all the strength I had and threw myself at the stall door. I went again then bucked at it. That's when I heard it, it was joy to my ears. The sound of splintering wood. cracking and bending. I got excited for my freedom, I kicked it again and again. The men where running now. The stall door was distorted and smashed leaning downward but still latched. I backed up to the blood stained wall and thrust my body forward in one swift stride then heaved my body up over what was left of the door. On the way out I cut my leg but as soon as I landed in the dirt isle I bolted. I was at a gallop when the men rounded the corner. I plowed past them. I didn't care, I never meant to hurt anyone but I was scared, lost, and wanting to be free. I headed for the pasture fence and jumped that, then the next. Colors flew past me like the wind that flowed over my mane and withers. I turned for the woods. I crashed past the tree's and smashed pine cones, needles, and lush grass on the way. I galloped for as long as possible before I was completely worn out. I walked the trying to catch my breath. I couldn't stop, not yet. I didn't know where I was, where Ryan was, where my herd was, I didn't even know who I was. I felt like some deranged animal. I was lost and yet I had found a newfound hope for myself. This wasn't the end. I stopped and inhaled some sweet river grass. Then moved over to the crystal river, or almost like a spring. There was a small house like thing in the distance but was very small. It had a moon ingrained into the wood. I drank the water nice and slow. It was not too cold, but almost room temperature. It was very nice. The sun was setting and it made me think of the last morning I had spent with my herd, with Nala. She was the only mother figure I could have had. I missed her, but I had to worry about the present. I picked a corner to lie down in where I would be most protected. I checked my leg and it was just a small scratch. I swatted the flies with my tail. I later stood up and drifted to a light slumber. I was gonna be ok, I would keep going tomarrow.

Ok I got this one up. yay! the next chapter is super long and I will get it up ASAP. It done I'm just going threw it an adding things. Thanks everyone.

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