Chapter 11: Silence before a Storm

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so I'v found the time to update, some people made me believe I was a good writer soo here it is.....:)  Thank you: earllover, EquestrianGal, and Twyla Abo for following me:) thanks guys!

Recap: " It's just the wind girl." Ryan said chuckling. I relaxed at the sound of his voice. The man asked me to step into the scary thing. I did then all the buckles were strapped to a ring. Three men came over and began pulling the thick rope. Slowly I was risen off the ground a couple inches. I felt the pain in my leg subside as the weight of me was gone. The men left and ryan talked to me about his life for hours, I nickered every once n a while to show him I was listening. Life was good for once. 


After much needed rest and food, I was brought down from the net. I felt all my weight come down upon me and waited for the pain in my leg to come. It never did. I felt  pressure but no pain I still moved all my wieght to my other three legs, just in case. Ryan had these stick like things to lean on instead of his bad leg. I still felt bad for him and for what I had done. Ryan put a halter and a lead rope on me and we made very slow progress to a field. As soon as ryan took the halter off I ran as fast as I could and bucked, reared, everything to get my energy out. Ryan was talking with a man and I, being my nosey horse self trotted over to listen in. " She's a beautiful horse, you break her to be a saddle horse and she'll be snatched up quick." the mystery man said. " I know I know but I really want to keep her maybe I could work with her to be a lesson or leasing horse...." Ryan wondered out loud. " Well she is a nice horse but she's stayin here for free, and i can't affored that. Every horse here earns it's keep." The mystery man scolded. Was Ryan going to sell me AGAIN?? No I cant keep moving around! After a long silence the mystery man spoke again " I need my money Ryan or she's, and you are outta here." Mystery man said sternly. " I'll work with her." was all Ryan said. " ok, you might want to teach her to jump after 5 months or so, she's got the body and legs. If its ok with the doc." the mystery man said quietly. Work with me? Jumping, I loved jumping over stuff but was this the same as there jumping??? Both Ryan and the other man wondered away. I was out to pasture for about a day. That next morning Ryan came with no sticks with him but still had a cast on his leg like me. He gave me some grain and hay then put my halter on. He brought me over to a box thing with cross ties, he called it a wash rack. He let me smell it and 'check it out' on a loose lead rope. Once i was comfortable with it he lead me into it. I was cross tied and he bagan to rub circles all over me with a bumpy brush. Soon i was leaning into his touch. He used a lighter brisled brush to get all my hair off that had come up during the 'curry comb' I think thats what he said it was... anyway it felt good. Last he did my mane and my tail. When he was done with my tail he put some kind of braid in it. Ryan then said he would be right back and dissapeared into the barn. I became anoius with all the sound around me. He came back quickley and grabed something else. He then ran his hand down to mid - leg and squeezed it automaticly my leg rised. What the peanuts? Was i supposed to do that? I thought to myself. " Good Girl" Ryan praised. Well I guess i was....hhhhmmm wierd trick. He did all my feet, when he went to my back feet I will say I got nervous but stood still. I trusted Ryan, he saved my life. After that Ryan put a soft wrap around all legs but the bad one. On the bad one Ryan left on my cast, but added a soft wrap. Ryan then put the saddle pad on my back and an english saddle. When he tightend the girth, i pined my ears because it was uncomfortable at first then he patted my side and loosend it to were it was just snugg. Ryan grabbed my  bridle and held it onto his hand for a second then placed it in my mouth. Instead of being cold the bit was the perfect temprature. Ryan lead me to the round pen and hooked my bridle to a lunge line then raised his carrot stick voicing "walk." I did as he said and he changed my direction a few times then voiced " Trot." I began to trot and we did this for some time then we changed directions and he voiced the word " canter. " I cantered twice around the pin, changing direction once. What Ryan did next surprised me. Ryan dropped the lunge line, carrot stick and turned his back on me. It took me a second to realize whet he was doing : He was asking for me to trust him as a leader, he wanted me to follow him. He was showing he was the boss. I went up to him and placed my chin on his sholder, showing I accepted him as a leader and trusted him. He began to walk and i followed him. We were of one, I was like his shadow. When he stoped I stoped when he walked fast I walked fast, we he ran I trotted. Ryan turned around,  praised me, and gave me a sweet treat. At that moment a truck came speeding down the drive and the evil man that had bought me in the first place. He rushed up to Ryan and said " Thats my horse, boy!"

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