Chapt. Twenty-Three Friendship

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{So heres the next chapter... i hope you like it... i tried to update fast since it took forever for the last one... i hope this one made it up a little... so here you go... :D}

Chapter Twenty-Three

"I cant believe you got Selena Gomez's number." i exclaimed, from my spot on Tylers bed playing Call Of Duty Nazi Zombies.

"So your the only person who can have famous people in their cell phone contacts." he laughed.

"Thats different, they are in my contacts for me to call them for buisness, Sel's is their so you can plan a date." i respond.

"Im sure 'The Biebs' would be happy if you called him to play some videogames with him too, and you and Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez could go shopping together, im pretty sure its not all for work." he smirked.

"SHUT UP!" I laughed as i  slapped him and concentrated once again on my video game, "So you and Sel going on a date tonight."

"Yeah i think we are... i dont know where though shes like this rich famous hott sext girl, and im just this amazingly gourgeous sex god but im not rich or famous." Tyler smirked once again.

I gigled along too... when i looked back up at the screen a hord of zombies had trapped me in a cornor. When i looked down at Ty's screen i saw him struggling just as much, and i looked back to see a zombie give me one blast and i dropped to the ground in time to see Tyler die. I sighed as the game screen said game over.

Tylers iphone made the message alert tone and he dropped the xbox remote to check it.

"Whos it from?" i ask curiously.


"Whats it say." i exclaim and kind of shriek.

"Call me." Ty responds.

I could tell he was a little worried. His eves were hazy and darkened he had a little creas above his eyebrows, and he was no longer smiling. I watched as my best friend dialed the Pop stars number. I could slightly here the Bring and the sweet innocent eighteen year old voice say 'hello!'

"Hey Babe, whats up why did you want me to call you." Ty says trying to sound more confident then he looked and i have to say he actually managed it maybe he should be an actor.

There was a sight pause before Tyler continued a little bit of pain in his voice which he tried to covor, this time failing, "Yeah, i understand," ... "Its okay Selena we can have a date another time, you have your best friend with you i understand." he glanced at me while another pause happened, "Yeah that would be great, we could go bowling or something, want to meet me at my place well Alys tonight I'll make reservations at the bowling Ally for You and Demi and My friends."

Yet another pause, "Oh yeah almost forgot, im sure i can arrange that." ... "No it wont be too much work, come on we got a bunch of famous singers to sing in a stadium we rented out for a birthday party, a bowling ally  will not be a problem babe i promise, just be here."

There was another pause then a wuick goodbye and Ty hung up the phone. So... a bowling night.. what am i going to wear i mean Selena Gomez is going to be their and apperently Demi Lovato too. But i mean there average girls too and its bowling maybe just Skinny Jeans anda tanktop with a cardigan or something like that, ill wear converse to until i switch for those gross bowling shoes. I wonder what Sel and Demi are going to wear, or my friends what is Ty going to i mean its preetty much a date so he should look spiffy. Wow spiffy hmmm... too much Jacob time. Wait Jacob who am i going to take Jake or Alex. If i take Jake how am i going to explain this whole situation to Selena... oh god... and Alex i think is away on vacation with his family, after mine and Hail's birthday. Oh god it was Haileys birthday too and she didnt get any presents of birthday wishes.

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