Chapter Five Oh My Gosh

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( This chapter is a little short but it kind of was hard to make long since its more talking then doing so yea, i hope you enjoy it please vote and comment )

Oh My Gosh

“What’s the matter Aly, its not like I was your first love, oh wait I was, come here girl give me a hug don’t be shy.” Alex said as he stepped towards me.

I took a step back.

“Alex, what are you doing here, don’t say you came to visit, I know you, you DO NOT just come to visit you come for something you want.” I stammered my voice shaking every second.

“Ale’s give him a break its been three years since we saw him so I invited him because he was kind of like the brother I wish I had.” Kiley exclaimed while glaring at Jacob coldly.

“WHY, Kiley, you know, you just you never think do you, I thought you were my BEST FRIEND you’ve always been like a sister why would you do this to me Kiley. WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU.” I yelled as I ran downstairs to my room to cry.

All I heard when I ran was Kiley yell Aly and Jacob yell “Oh My Gosh really Kiley I cat believe you” then stomp upstairs.

I agree with him, I mean sure it was nice to see Alex it would be nice to see how he’s doing but Alex, I know him and that’s not all he will do he wants something and I know it, Kiley knows it but she just, Uhg. I HATE HER.

Knock. Knock.

“Go away.” I hollered.

“Aly.” I heard Alex say as he opened and closed the door, he walked towards me, like a fake man, but I couldn’t help but smile at it since that was why I fell in love with him that and his charming good looks. snap out of it Alyssa Mona Haven I told myself.

“Aly, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have come, its just I missed all you guys even Jacob. I heard you two are an item, I thought you’d do better then that Ale’s.”

“Now you thought that I’d be an item with you.” I stammered.

“Yea I guess I always did, but we were, but I was stupid and foolish,” he said soothingly, “Aly I’m not here to get you back I’ve moved on just like you have, I have a girlfriend she’s on vacation with her parents for the summer though, I just want to be your friend, like we were before hand.”

“Alex we were never friends even before hand, remember we use to sneak into closets and stuff for make out sections.”

“Oh yea I remember, okay so maybe a little different friends without benefits,” he smiled at me.

I laughed as he brush my tears away gently.

“I’m down for that, I guess,” I replied.

He stretched his arms out wide and I hugged him, a giant bear hug. He was warm, I was cold so I didn’t want to let go and I didn’t want him to let go.

“Ale’s if were not a thing I don’t think we can have long hugs,”

“Sure we can.” I replied. “I’m cold your warm, now don’t let go.” he rolled his eyes at me.

I finally let go and we walked upstairs only one flow to the family room where everyone except Jacob was sitting. Quickly I apologized to Kiley who just smiled and excepted it then went to go find Jacob

When I found him he was in my grandfathers study staring at a book blankly. Coming up behind him I touched his shoulder, he turned around to see who it was.

“Oh its just you.” he said.

I went around to look at his face, “Jake what’s wrong.”

“Are we done.” He asked me.

“Jacob Hollow Hutteright, why on earth would you ever think such a thing, I Love You more then anything, I will ALWAYS be yours it doesn’t matter if my ex comes along, I will still be yours, I sorted things out with him and were just friends, we will from now on ALWAYS be friends. Baby you are my everything and nothing will change that I’m yours and your mine, we will be like that forever, no don’t ever forget that Jake.”

“Alyssa how do you know that I was there when you were dating Alex, he knows what to say and do to make you dazzled, he will always be loved by you and there’s nothing you can do about it. Don’t give me the I don’t love him speech because you do I’ve seen it three years ago and I saw it when you saw him at the door, you were shocked, mad that he was here, but you were mad because you don’t want to fall in love as much as you did before,” he told me.

“Jake, I do, I do love him, I always will.” I responded.

I could see Jakes blue eyes fill with water and a tear trip down his face.

“Now Jacob don’t cry I’m not done here you know, Like I said I do and always will love him, BUT I Love you more, Jacob I know because everything he does will make me love him more but nothing can ever make me love him more then I love you. You’ll always be in my heart.” I started to cry as I kissed him on the lips softly and hugged him.

“Aly why are you crying he asked, we just made up didn’t we.” Jake asked me.

“I’m crying cause I love you so much.” I weeped.

“Awe babe don’t, please don’t.”

We sat in that study in one big hug for and hour not because I was cold or he was cold because we were in love and didn’t want each other to go. Even though we’d both never slip away. Though eventually we decided we better go downstairs. When went there Alex was about to leave. I ran up to him and hugged him before anyone else had the chance. I didn’t want to let go because Alex was up to something but for right now we were friends and I didn’t want to let that moment slip away ever. Kiley on the other hand did and pried me off of him.

Waving goodbye to Alex I held Jacobs hand and kissed I’m softy on the lips knowing he’d never leave me.

“Tomorrow night we are all going out for dinner with Alex he’s buying.” Kiley exclaimed excitedly.

I didn’t care if we did or didn’t or who bought as long as I still had Jake and I was still just friends with Alex, since I missed him but not I the way I would miss Jake if he ever left me.

“Where are we going?” Melissa asked all excited.

“Don’t know, he said Ale’s had to call tonight and find out.” Kiley shrugged.

Jacob looked at me a little hurt.

“Jake don’t worry its just a game we use to play when we were just friends. You’d have to call the other and they’d give you a hint to where we were going.” I whispered to him.

Of course it was where we were going to make out, but I wouldn’t dare tell Jake that, I never wanted to loose him and if I told him everything I defiantly would.

I walked downstairs to go watch TV with Kiley again. Dialing Alex’s number as I did it.

“Hey Aly.” he said.

“Hey Alex, where are we going.”

“Aly, I’m so disappointed in you even Kiley remembered the game and she didn’t even play it, it was just us, I give you a hint and you have to guess it.”

“Oh I remember it already, but I also remember we made out instead of ate.”

“Hey you never know it could happen,” he exclaimed.


“I’m joking no need to go all crazy, the hint is we use to do it all the time, now we aren’t t and this is fine, but I’m taking you to our favorite spot, no need to yell its just for wine.”

I rolled my eyes at him and hung up the phone he was taking us to the basketball court at the old school here for a picnic and he’s bring wine. Oh my Gosh I cant believe him.

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