Chapt. Twenty-Five Mel's idea!

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{ So sorry havent uploaded for a while, and i have to say that this is just a little teaser to introduce the new idea i have, which will be in about the next 3 chapters. Hope you like it. }

Chapter Twenty-Five

                “Mel this isn’t working, I still don’t know which one to choose; I love them both so much!” I whined. I sat in Melissa’s part of their room on the extra bed which was Mel’s. The sunlight was pouring into the room from all the windows which there was a lot. Melissa was sitting in front of a mirror straightening her hair.

                “I don’t know what else we could do, Ale’s , want to tell me why you like them both.” She told me.

                “I don’t know, I guess I like Alex, because he doesn’t control me he lets me be free, but yet still takes care of me; he keeps me safe but doesn’t overpower me. He makes me feel alive, wild, and amazing, he wants me to pursue my dreams, and he’ll help make them happen no matter how big, like my dream to be a famous singer, I met a bunch of stars and sang with Katy Perry.” I told my friend. It was weird to be talking to Melissa about this stuff instead of Tyler, but that boy was off getting it on with Selena Gomez. I don’t think Sel liked us very much so were not going to see much of her, I think part of it was the whole Alex and Jacob thing even though she acted pretty cool about it.

                “Okay, now Jacob.” Mel said turning off her straightener and beginning with her makeup.

                “Jacob, there’s so much. First of all I’ve had a crush on him since like ever even the first time I was dating Alex. Then there’s the whole thing that his love is unconditional, he’ll love me no matter what. I feel secure when I’m in his arms, and when I look into his eyes I know that he’ll protect me no matter what.”

                I got up off the bed; went to the mini fridge in the corner of the room. I searched through it and pulled out two cans of root bear, one for me and one for Melissa. Then switching to the cupboards next, I pulled out a bag of salt and vinegar Miss Vicki’s chips. Then I walked back to the bed.

                “Okay now what do you dislike about both of them.” She asked.

                “Well, Alex he only wants the wild side he doesn’t want my calm and tamed side, as much as he loves me I’m not sure it’s going to be for forever, and that’s what I’m looking for, sure it might not work out but I like to know that were both open to the idea for forever. Also I guess I don’t feel the entire spark, it’s not all there it feels like the last time a summer romance that lasts longer then summer.  Now with Jacob I feel like he loves me too much, I’m 18 I’m going to college after this summer, I want the open idea that in my college life I can live a little, I’m not sure I want marriage, Jacob would be so hurt if this wasn’t for forever. There’s also the whole Kiley thing, I don’t want to lose our friendship, and I feel like when I’m with Jacob that’s what happens.” I mumbled between chips.

                Melissa rolled her eyes at the mention of Kiley and when she finished her makeup she came to sit next to me. I loved her hair straightened I wished she would do it like that more often. Now that Melissa was done getting ready she looked beautiful, like she was going on a date, where I was I’m sweatpants one of Tyler’s old t-shirts that had shrunk a bunch of time but was still too big, y hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. I was getting ready to go for coffee like right after I was done up here with this talk.

                “I think I have an idea.” Mel exclaimed.

                I was relieved that she had an idea I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.

                “I’m not sure if this will help you as much, but the other day I was watching a show where the parents of a girl hated their daughter’s boyfriend so they sent her up with two other guys and them and the boyfriend watched the date cause it was being recorded, and in the end either the girl kept her boyfriend her switched him out for one of the others.” She told me, I was confused.

                “How will this help me at all?”

                “What if you get both of them to take you out on a date and record it, don’t tell them it’s being recorded though, and let all of us, your loving friends, watch? Since we really don’t know how they both act when it’s just you we’ve seen it when you guys with all of us but not alone.”

                “And…” I mumbled still confused.

                “Then we can ALL choose which one we like better, it might help you might not.” The blonde girl sitting beside me exclaimed.

                “OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! That is actually brilliant that would help me so much, knowing which one my friends like is so helpful.” I shrieked taking Mel into a giant bear hug. This was already a great day. Now I just had to get ready for coffee and id have more fun. Melissa pulled away wrinkling her nose in disgust.

                “Yeah! I’m going to go get ready.” I mumbled. I stood up from the bed.

                “Good idea.” Melissa laughed, “Because you stink.”

                I glared a friendly glare at her, “Just for that I’m taking these.”  I grabbed the bag of chips of the bed and ran downstairs listening to Melissa holler at me that those are her chips; I just continued giggling and ran to my room to take a shower. Melissa and I will sort out more on the idea at coffee and tell the rest of them later. I’m not sure how much it will help but I’m excited anyways, I wish I knew which one I loved, which one I should choose, life would be so much easier if I did.


So what you guys think, i love comments and the more i get the faster i work.

So whats your oppinion on melissa... and how bout that new idea.!

HAve you checked out my new book.... Hidden By Fear if you havent you should do so...

Tell your friends and vote and comment on this book lamafo.

If you wondering why i spelt it lamafo instead of lmfao its cause this guy  found a note and was reading it out loud and at lmfao hes all like lamafo so now thats how i say it and same with like half my class. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah! LAMAFO! :)

Ill try and update soon! Enjoy! :D

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