Chapter Twenty The Way It Use To Be (K.POV)

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{So this is another little short one, it lets you know more about Kiley and how she feels about Alyssa, Jacob and Alex. How she wants things to be. I like to write in Kiley's point of view because its kind of fun...on the side is a slide show of who i think the cast whould be if this book was a move... i know Alyssa and Hailey dont look that much a like but i wanted them to be different people they look more like Aly though i think... hope you enjoy the book... so read on....}

Chapter 20 (Kiley's POV)

Oh Jacob your making this way to easy, I mean come on... its Aly I can barely see her as the marrying type not to mention at eighteen. He so blew it... that's my brother for you... works for me, it just made it so much easier to get Aly to pick Alex. I love my brother.

"I- I - I- Do- Do- don't know!" Aly stuttered.

I watched as she ran out of the room tears starting to flow from her eyes. Hailey stepped forward to follow her sister, but a hand stopped her.

"I'll take this one Hail's" Tyler told her.

It kind of feels bad, before this summer I would have been the one rushing off to help her, you know id always be there for her, I was her best friend. Ever since I brought Alex over hear to ruin Aly's and Jacob's relationship, Tyler's been her best friend. Like what the heck. I bring Alex back to her and I don't even get a thanks I got a how could you do that Kiley, seriously, that is so self centered. I do something nice for my friend and I get yelled at.

Tyler strides out of the room, to find his NEW best friend. Jacob still sat on one knee on the ground looking shocked. His lips moved, since Bruno Mars started singing different songs, so I couldn't hear. it's a good thing I can read lips, I think he said I thought she'd say yes! My god Jacob, you don't know her at all.

I better go tell Alex this... we need to top this...

Ring! Ring!

"Hello!" Alex said.

"Hi Alex, its me, Kiley." I say to the phone.

"Oh hey, what's up." I heard his voice comment.

"Its going pretty well."

"How's the party?"


"What he get her?"

"A nose ring... that she really wanted.. And something she doesn't want not yet at least... he asked her to marry her after this whole thing is over if she chooses him."

"WOW! That doesn't sound like your brother... every time I see him he plays it safe... it sounds like me well the jumping part of it... im never getting married... one girl the rest of your life you got to be kidding me... well actually I like that idea... as long as its Aly...just not the idea of marriage."

"Actually no its completely my brother... when he's not so worried about Aly... he's a bundle of fun... I like him like that... and this summer he hasn't been.. During school he was even better.. But still not himself.. that's why I called you..." I say to the phone again.

"Oh! Well I think his gifts wont be hard to top.... What about his party...?" he asks me.

"Well that's a problem... lets see we had a pool party... so they went swimming... and I don't know how but Jacob got Bruno Mars to sing at her party.. I repeat... BRUNO MARS... one of Alyssa's favorite singers... he's like tied with Katy Perry...! This means PROBLEM!" I tell him being very serious.

"Nope its no problem... im going to beat his... you'll see." I can tell his smirking.

"Okay... Bye Alex." I mumble... rolling my eyes.

I hear a click and then the beeping sound. He doesn't get it... he has to win this thing, I want my brother AND my best friend back, is that too much to ask. I want times to be like they use to be... the good times...

*FLASH BACK* (in a point of view that is just watching)

Kiley and Alyssa are in Kiley's bedroom. They're sitting on Kiley's bed, well Aly did, Kiley is fixing all her posters. I hear a small giggle escape from Aly.

"What now?" Kiley laughs.

"Alex just texted me." Alyssa says.

"What it say."

"He's coming to pick us up at 1 in the morning, so we have to sneak out, cause he wants to see my cute butt." Alyssa giggles.

"I don't want to... you two disgust me... your 16 and all you do is make out, and im just left there, watching." Kiley grumbles.

"He's bring John!" Aly whines.

"Nope. Nope. Nope." Kiley exclaims.

Alyssa turns her eyes a misty green, and she turns her mouth down wards, showing some dimples, she's pouting.

"FINE!" Kyle gives in.

"YEA, YEA , YEA." Alyssa shrieks while getting up and jumping on the bed.

"So you two sneaking out, to see Alex and John." Jacob says, standing near Kiley's door.


Kiley grabs a pillow from of the bed and throws it at her brother. The pillow spins in the air, like a knife would. Jacob catch's the knife inches before it hits his head.

"Considering I know your secret, I would stop with the name calling and pillow throwing." Jake comments.

"What about every other thing we can throw at you." Aly adds.

Jacob just shakes his head.

"Please, Don't tell mom. PLEASE... or dad." Kiley whines.

"I won't sis... im not a tattle tail like someone." he mumbles, before leaving the room.

"OH MY GOD! You brother is sooo gross...!" Aly exclaims.

"I know right... he's so dumb." Kiley responds.

They both burst out laughing. When the laughing fit ends, they walk to Kiley's closet. Clothes are soon all over the floor, in attempt to find something to wear that night. They are both laughing and singing to music, having a good time.

*FLASH BACK ENDS* (Kiley's POV again)

Why can't everything be how it use to be... before Jacob asked he out... they always liked each other except when Alyssa was dating Alex for the first time, she liked him to much, he made her feel wild... this was how I liked it... I may be a good  gil but Aly's no fun when she's dating my brother.

That's why im going to split them up!


So what did you guys think...?

So who's your favorite characte so far..? Mine is still Tyler... but i actually like Kiley but i guess thats because i can understand why she wants what she wants. How would you feel if you best friend was dating your sibling.

What do you think is going to happen at Alex's will it top it...

Did eveyone forget that Hailey and Alyssa are twins. So its her birthday two...! Poor Hailey! =[

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